パンチャムガ アンジャネヤル寺院

パンチャムガ アンジャネヤル寺院は、スリランカで最初のアンジャネヤル寺院と考えられています。また、スリランカにあるこのパンチャムガ アンジャネヤル寺院は、5 つの顔を意味するパンチャムガの姿でハヌマーン神を祀っています。この寺院はスリランカのコロンボにあります。スワミ・チャンドラシェカールは、スリ・パンチャムカ・アンチェネヤル寺院として知られるスリランカ初のハヌマーン寺院を建設したと考えられています。スリマス チャンドラセカラ スワミガルは、スリランカに最初の寺院を設立し、シュリ ラーマの最愛の信者アンジャネヤルのために世界初の戦車を設立しました。

1998年 アンジャネヤ初の戦車を進水させた。 10 日間続いたヤガ プージャ アンジャネヤル ジャヤンティ フェスティバルが盛大に祝われ、戦車の行列は午前 8 時に始まり、夕方の午後 6 時に完了します。戦車祭りの前に、ヌワラエリヤの土壌にあるシタエリヤの聖水と木の枝を持ってきてプージャを捧げます。その後は戦車だけがその場から動き出す。


タミル語では、ハヌマーンは通常、母親の名前がアンジャンであるため、アンジャネヤルと呼ばれています。毎年 12 月末または 1 月初めに戦車祭りが開催されます。歴史的なラーマーヤナヤトラによると、ハヌマーンは偉大で強力なラーヴァナ王を倒すためにラーマ卿を支援しました。シヴァ神はラーマーヤナ叙事詩の中でハヌマンジの姿をとりました。スリランカのラーマーヤナツアー関連サイトの一つです。

About Colombo District

Colombo is the largest city and commercial capital of Sri Lanka. It is located on the west coast of the island and adjacent to Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte, the capital city of Sri Lanka. Colombo is a busy and vibrant city with a mixture of modern life and colonial buildings and ruins and a city population of 647,100.The Colombo Metropolitan Region, defined by the districts of Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara, has an estimated population of 5,648,000, and covers an area of 3,694.20 km²

Colombo is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural city. It is the most populous city in Sri Lanka, with 642,163 people living within the city limits. The population of Colombo is a mix of numerous ethnic groups, mainly Sinhalese, Moors and Tamils. There are also small communities of people with Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Malay and Indian origins living in the city, as well as numerous European expatriates.

The great majority of Sri Lankan corporations have their head offices in Colombo. Some of the industries include chemicals, textiles, glass, cement, leather goods, furniture, and jewellery. In the city center is located South Asia's second tallest building - The World Trade Centre.

About Western Province

The Western Province is the most densely populated province of Sri Lanka. It is home to the legislative capital Sri Jayawardenapura as well to Colombo, the nation's administrative and business center. Western Province is divided into 3 main districts called Colombo (642 km²), Gampaha (1,386.6 km²) and Kalutara (1,606 km²) districts. As Sri Lanka's economic hub, all the major local and international corporations have their presence in the city and so do all the major designer and high street retailers, so be ready to indulge in some retail therapy in western province.

Having the highest population in the all the provinces, the almost all the premier educational institutions in the island are located in western province. Universities in the province include the University of Colombo, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Kelaniya, Open University, Sri Lanka, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University and University of Moratuwa .Western province has the largest amount of schools in the country, which includes National, Provincial, Private and International schools.