Tea Estates
Sri Lanka’s tea estates, primarily located in the central highlands, are renowned for producing some of the world’s finest tea. These lush plantations, such as those in Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, and Hatton, offer scenic landscapes and a rich history. The estates contribute significantly to the country’s economy, exporting high-quality Ceylon tea worldwide.

Ceylon Tea Regions
he brew in your cup has a story to tell. It speaks of rolling hills, abundant sunshine, and lush provinces.In Sri Lanka, the central and southern provinces produce most of its tea. Varying elevations and micro-climates influence the distinctive flavour, colour, aroma and seasonality of Ceylon tea.

Ceylon Black Tea Grades
Ceylon Tea as we now know comes in different varieties, which has flavors and aromas unique to itself. Along with the a variety of teas, there are varieties of grades that Ceylon tea has been separated into.
この地域はセイロン茶の伝来が後発でした。 1900 年、ゴールとマータラから便利な距離にある中央山塊の麓に最初のワイナリーがオープンしました。
この地域の茶園はすべて海抜から 2,000 フィートまでの標高にあります。お茶の主な産地は比較的海岸近くにありますが。
ルフナ工場では、貴重な「チップ」から全葉および半全葉茶、「ファニング」や CTC まで、さまざまな葉のスタイルとサイズが生産されています。