
タラウィラ タラウィラ タラウィラ

タラウィラは、スリランカのプッタラム地区にある村です。国の北西海岸、プッタラム市から約 15 キロ南に位置します。タラウィラは、有名なカトリックの聖アンナ聖堂で知られています。

タラウィラの聖アンナ聖堂は、聖母マリアの母である聖アンナに捧げられています。ここはスリランカのカトリック教徒に人気の巡礼地であり、特に 7 月に行われる毎年恒例の聖アンナの祝日には、毎年何千人もの信者がこの神社を訪れます。




タラウィラ タラウィラ タラウィラ
【LK94E9E2EA: 文:Lakpura™。画像は Google によるもので、著作権はオリジナルの作者が留保します。】

About Puttalam District

Puttalam is a town in Puttalam District,Sri Lanka. Situated at the apex of the Coconut triangle, Puttalam is the second largest Coconut producer of the country. And Tabbowa, a fertile land for agriculture records highest paddy production per acre.Puttalam is the main salt producer of the country. Holland fort at Kalpitiya,St. Anne's Churchin Thalawila, Munneshwaram Kovil in Chilaw and Mohideen Jumma Mosque (known as Grand Mosque) in Puttalam underline the historical importance of this region.

About North Western Province

North Western Province is a province of Sri Lanka. The districts of Kurunegala and Puttalam formulate North Western or Wayamba. Its capital is Kurunegala, which has a population of 28,571. The province is known mainly for its numerous coconut plantations. Other main towns in this province are Chilaw (24,712) and Puttalam (45,661), which are both small fishing towns. The majority of the population of Wayamba province is of Sinhalese ethnicity. There is also a substantial Sri Lankan Moor minority around Puttalam and Sri Lankan Tamils in Udappu and Munneswaram. Fishing, prawn farming and rubber tree plantations are other prominent industries of the region. The province has an area of 7,888 km² and a population of 2,184,136 (2005 calculation).

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