Anuradhapura City
Anuradhapura is belongs to the North Central Province in to Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of ancient Lankan civilization. The city, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies 205 km north of the current capital Colombo in Sri Lanka.
サマーディ像は、スリランカのアヌラーダプラにあるマハメヴナワ公園にある像です。仏陀は、ディアナ ムドラの姿勢で描かれています。これは、涅槃とも呼ばれる彼の最初の悟りに関連した瞑想の姿勢です。ブッダの悟りが専門的にサマーディと呼ばれる体験であったのか、それとも他の現象であったのかは、信者の哲学的忠誠心に依存する可能性があります。ディヤーナ ムードラでは、仏陀は足を組んで座り、上を向いた手のひらを膝の上に重ね合わせます。この姿勢は仏教界では広く知られており、したがってこの像は最も典型的な仏像の一つである。これは、マーラが投影した幻想を回避するために仏陀がとった単純な行動を描いた非常によく似た「大地に触れるムードラ」と混同しないでください。仏陀は、自分の、マーラの投影が、仏陀に気づかれないように必死でした。そして彼らとともに世界全体が幻想です。この像は高さ 8 フィートで、花崗岩から彫られています。
About Anuradhapura District
Anuradhapura is belongs to the North Central Province in to Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of ancient Lankan civilization. The city, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies 205 km north of the current capital Colombo in Sri Lanka.
In the sacred city of Anuradhapura and in the vicinity are a large number of ruins. The ruins consist of three classes of buildings, dagobas, monastic buildings, and pokuna (ponds). The city had some of the most complex irrigation systems of the ancient world, situated in the dry zone of the country the administration built many tanks to irrigate the land. Most of the civilians are Sinhala, while Tamils and Sri Lankan Moors live in the district.
About North Central Province
North Central Province which is the largest province in the country covered 16% of total country's land area. North Central Province consist two districts called Polonnaruwa and Anuradhapure. Anuradhapura is the largest district in Sri Lanka. Its area is 7,128 km².
North Central Province has numerous potentials for Investors to start their Businesses, especially Agriculture, agro based industries and Livestock sectors. More than 65% of North Central Province's people depend on basic Agriculture and agro base industries. NCP also called "Wew Bendi Rajje" because there are more than 3,000 medium and large scale tanks situated in the province. Sri maha bodiya, Ruwanweli seya, Thuparama dageba, Abayagiri Monastry, Polonnaruwa Rankot wehera, Lankathilake are scared