Beach and the City
Four days in atropical island and thinking of what to do? Why not spend the entire holidaybasking under the sun? The closest tourist hot spot to the BandaranaikeInternational Airport is Negombo, a bustling fishing hub with a soundinghistory ruled under foreign invaders. Your three nights in Negombo will bespent well and what more than lazing on the beach with palms swaying away. Thebusy streets can be explored with time in hand while the Negombo beach also hasfacilities offering various high adrenalin water sports. For a more calmerexperience, there are diving excursions that can be organized off the coast ofNegombo with some well know shipping wrecks readily available to explore andadmire.
(SKU: LK10457000) にぎやかな街の通りを散策し、ビーチで足を濡らしてください。スリランカへの旅で街と砂浜を発見してください。テーラーメイドのパッケージで、夢見ていた太陽と街をすべて体験できます
- 上記の旅程に含まれるホテル、または同様の基準のホテルでの3泊の宿泊
- ベッド&ブレックファーストでの食事(2日目の朝食で始まり、4日目の朝食で終わります)
- ツアー中、エアコン付きの車での空港送迎付きの専用交通機関(2010年以降)
- 英語を話す運転手付きガイドのサービス
- 現在のすべての地方税が適用されますが、予約時に変更される場合があります
- 入国ビザ手数料、詳細についてはをご覧になるか、個別のビザ申請書を提出してください
- 国際/国内航空運賃
- 個人的性質の経費
- ヒントとポーテージ
- 飲料のコスト
- 指定されていない食事
- 上記以外の入場料およびその他のサービス
- 1日1人あたり1 x 1リットルのウォーターボトル
- 1部屋につきローカルSIMカード1枚
3 Nights in Negombo
In this tour package you will be experiencing the golden sandy beaches of Negombo which is located along the West coast and very closer to the International Airport. This old fishing hub is still favoured for its sun and sand with many water sports available. From high adrenalin sports to calm diving excursions, you can enjoy it all.
Enjoy the sun on the sandy beaches of Negombo on the Western Coast of Sri Lanka. Watch the flourishing fish industry, which is a centuries-old tradition. Ride an adrenaline high with some fun water sports. Enjoy the corals and underwater life while diving. See the 50-year-old ship-wreck just off the coast, where many varieties of fish make their home
After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport after spending a memorable time in this island.