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通常価格 ¥81,800 JPY
通常価格 ¥88,100 JPY セール価格 ¥81,800 JPY
セール 売り切れ
税込 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。
Date & Time

(SKU: LK10235000) ワイルド・ワンダーズ&セイクリッド・スペースズは、スリランカ中北部の文化と野生生物を組み合わせた、1泊2日の短いツアーです。旅の途中、スリランカ最大の森林保護区であるウィルパットゥ国立公園の手つかずの手つかずの荒野に出ます。ここには、世界最大のヒョウのコレクションと他の数種の動物が生息しています。そこから、スリランカ全土で最も歴史的な場所の1つである古代の神聖な都市アヌラーダプラに移動します。アヌラーダプラには、西暦10世紀にまでさかのぼる豊かで魅力的な歴史があります。仏教界の重要なランドマークであり、何世紀も前のスリランカの仏教哲学の発祥の地でもあるミヒンタレ岩に登りましょう


  • 自家用車での輸送、燃料、駐車場、高速道路の通行料。
  • ツアー中の英語を話す運転手ガイドのサービス。
  • 1日1人あたり500mlのウォーターボトル2本。
  • 現行のすべての税金とサービス料。


  • ホテルの宿泊と食事..
  • 各サイトへの入場料
  • 運転手付きガイドの宿泊施設。
  • ビザと関連費用..
  • 個人的な経費。


1 日目


1 ストップ



  • 所要時間:3 時間
  • 入場券は含まれていません

2 日目

アヌラーダプラ > ミヒンターレ > ガレ

2 ストップ



  • 所要時間:2 時間
  • 入場券は含まれていません


  • 所要時間:1 時間
  • 入場券は含まれていません


  • 予約時に確認書が届きます。
  • 車椅子ではご利用いただけません。
  • 動きやすい服装と帽子をおすすめします。
  • 背中に問題がある旅行者にはお勧めしません。
  • 心臓病やその他の重篤な病状はありません。
  • これはプライベートツアー/アクティビティです。あなたのグループだけが参加します。

Day 1 Galle > Wilpattu > Anuradhapura

You will start off your 2 Day tour from Galle which is the southern capital famed for its Fort and sea food industry. You will travel to the Wilpattu National Park and enjoy a 3 hour long safari where you will have the chance to witness the endangered yet sneaky Sri Lankan Leopard and the ever so famous Sri Lankan elephant. Since the park is the oldest in Sri Lanka and has many lakes, you will encounter hundreds of wild life including rare and migratory birds. TO end the day, you will head towards Anuradhapura.

Wilpattu National Park

Feel the call of the wild with the Wilpattu National Park Safari. Get a chance to catch sight of the elusive Sri Lankan Leopard and famous Sri Lankan Elephant. See hundreds of other wildlife such as deer, buffalo, monkeys, crocodiles, and rare birds. Get the photographs of a lifetime as you become one with nature.

  • Duration: 3 hour
  • Admission Ticket Not Included

Day 2 Anuradhapura > Mihintale > Galle

Day 2 will take you to the Mahamevnawa Buddhist Monastery which is a regal part of the ancient city of Anuradhapura. Walking
amidst the ruins, pagodas and monastic architecture will take you back centuries where great Kings once ruled the country. From Anuradhapura, you will be transported to the sacred grounds of the Mihintale Temple known as the start off point of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Stupas, dagobas and various ruins of historical relevance.

Mahamevnawa Dhammachethiya Buddhist Monastery Anuradhapura

Walk through the ancient ruined city of Anuradhapura, which was the capital for over a millennium until the 10th century AD. View the pagodas, monastic buildings and ponds that are scatter all over the vast area. Visit important landmarks such as Jetavanarama, which was one of the tallest buildings of the ancient world, the Sri Maha Bodhi and the ruins of the huge Abhayagiri Monastery. Gain more knowledge about Sri Lanka's history as you walk in the footsteps of Kings.

  • Duration: 2 hour
  • Admission Ticket Not Included

Mihintale Temple

Visit the place where Buddhism began in Sri Lanka. See the spot where the meeting of King Devanampiyatissa and Monk Mahinda took place. View the monastic ruins at the foot of the mountain. Walk in the footsteps of Mahinda as you visit the cave where he resided. View historic stupas, Ambasthala Dagoba and the Maha Stupa. Enter the ruins of an age long past to understand its impact on the history of Sri Lanka.

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Admission Ticket Not Included

Additional Info

  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking.
  • Not wheelchair accessible.
  • Comfortable clothes and hats recommended.
  • Not recommended for travelers with back problems.
  • No heart problems or other serious medical conditions.
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate.
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