ランカラマヤ ෴ ලංකාරාමය

ランカラマヤ ランカラマヤ ランカラマヤ

スリランカのランカラマヤ: 2000 年以上の歴史を持つ寺院

スリランカのランカラマヤ寺院の物語は伝説のようなものです。紀元前 103 年は、アヌラーダプラのワラガンバ王 (ヴァッタガミニ アバヤとしても知られる) にとって記念すべき年でした。正当な王として彼は王国の侵略者に攻撃され、その年の間、彼はシラソーバ・カンダカと呼ばれる場所に隠れて彼らの敗北を計画しました。彼の計画はうまくいき、同年に侵略者は滅ぼされ、侵略の失敗後に彼は即位することができた。

シラソバ・カンダカは、彼の命を救ってくれた場所として、そして彼の治世への道を歩み始めた場所として、彼の記憶の中で非常に特別な場所を占めていました。したがって、彼はそれを記念して仏塔を建て、それをシラソバ・カンダカ・セティヤと名付けました。この仏塔は、紀元前 250 年にスリランカに仏教が確立されてから最初に建てられた仏塔であるトゥパラマと建築的に似ていました。直径 45 フィートあったと思われるヴァタダージの屋根を支える 88 本の柱で建てられました。 vatadage は、中央にある実際の仏塔を囲む屋根付きのホールのような構造で、構造全体が地上 10 フィートの高さに建てられていました。


現在、実際の仏塔は改修されていますが、広い中庭の真ん中にある数本の折れた柱の残骸を除いて、ヴァタダージュの面影はほとんど残っていません。仏塔の名前も、Silasobha Khandaka Cetiya から、よりシンプルな Lankaramaya に変更されました。

ランカラマヤは、象の池や古い地下運河網 (数百年前に遡る) とともに、数千年前に使用されていた複雑な建築の好例です。これらは考古学や歴史愛好家にとって興味深い場所です。ランカラマヤは、スリランカの古代王国アヌラーダプラへの休暇にぜひ訪れるのに最適な場所です。

ランカラマヤ ランカラマヤ ランカラマヤ

【LK94009817:ランカラマヤ.テキストは Lakpura™ によるものです。画像は Google によるもので、著作権はオリジナルの作者が留保します。】
  • Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi is a sacred bo tree in the Mahamewna Gardens, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It is the southern branch from the historical Sri Maha Bodhi at Buddha Gaya in India under which Buddha attained Enlightenment. It was planted in 288 BC, and is the oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date.

    Sri Maha Bodhiya 
  • The Ruwanweli Maha Seya, also known as the Mahathupa (the Great Thupa) is a stupa (a hemispherical structure containing relics) in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Two quarts or one Dona of the Buddha's relics are enshrined in the stupa, making it the largest collection of his relics anywhere. It was built by Sinhalese King Dutugemunu in c. 140 B.C., who became king of Sri Lanka after a war in which the Chola King Elāra (Ellalan) was defeated.

  • Thuparamaya is the first Buddhist temple that was constructed, after the arrival of mahinda thero(mahindagamanaya) in Sri Lanka. Located in the sacred area of Mahamewna park, the Thuparamaya Stupa is the earliest Dagoba to be constructed in the island, dating back to the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa (247-207 BC). The temple has been formally recognised by the Government as an archaeological site in Sri Lanka.

  • Lovamahapaya is a building situated between Ruwanweliseya and Sri Mahabodiya in the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It is also known as the Brazen Palace or Lohaprasadaya because the roof was covered with bronze tiles. In ancient times, the building included the refectory and the uposathagara (Uposatha house).

  • Abhayagiri Vihāra was a major monastery site of Mahayana, Theravada and Vajrayana Buddhism that was situated in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It is one of the most extensive ruins in the world and one of the most sacred Buddhist pilgrimage cities in the nation.

    Abhayagiri Dagoba 
  • The Jetavanarama stupa or Jetavanaramaya is a stupa, or Buddhist reliquary monument, located in the ruins of Jetavana monastery in the UNESCO world heritage city of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. At 122 metres (400 ft), it was the world's tallest stupa, and the third tallest structure in the world when it was built by King Mahasena of Anuradhapura (273–301).

  • The Mirisaweti Stupa is a memorial building, a stupa, situated in the ancient city of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. King Dutugamunu (161 BC to 137 BC) built the Mirisaveti Stupa after defeating King Elara. After placing the Buddha relics in the sceptre, he had gone to Tissa Wewa for a bath leaving the sceptre.

    Mirisaveti Stupa 
  • Lankarama is a stupa built by King Valagamba, in an ancient place at Galhebakada in the ancient kingdom of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Nothing is known about the ancient form of the stupa, and later this was renovated. The ruins show that there are rows of stone pillars and it is no doubt that there has been a house built encircling the stupa (vatadage) to cover it.

  • Isurumuniya is a Buddhist temple situated near to the Tissa Wewa (Tisa tank) in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. There are four carvings of special interest in this Vihara. They are the Isurumuniya Lovers, Elephant Pond and The Royal Family. The ancient Meghagiri Vihara or Meygiri Vihara is presently identified as the Isurumuni Vihara.


About Anuradhapura District

Anuradhapura is belongs to the North Central Province in to Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of Sri Lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of ancient Lankan civilization. The city, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies 205 km north of the current capital Colombo in Sri Lanka.

In the sacred city of Anuradhapura and in the vicinity are a large number of ruins. The ruins consist of three classes of buildings, dagobas, monastic buildings, and pokuna (ponds). The city had some of the most complex irrigation systems of the ancient world, situated in the dry zone of the country the administration built many tanks to irrigate the land. Most of the civilians are Sinhala, while Tamils and Sri Lankan Moors live in the district.