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通常価格 ¥101,500 JPY
通常価格 ¥109,300 JPY セール価格 ¥101,500 JPY
セール 売り切れ
税込 配送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。
Date & Time

(SKU: LK10893000) スリランカの最も驚くべき魅力的な側面の 1 つは、その膨大な野生動物の多様性です。スリランカを少し旅行するだけで、気候、風景、野生動物の完全な変化に遭遇するでしょう。

シンハラジャ 02 日間






この素晴らしいサファリでは、スリランカの南東海岸沖にある島で 2 番目に大きいヤラ国立公園を訪れる機会が提供されます。有名なスリランカヒョウ、固有の野生水牛、スリランカナマケグマ、スリランカゾウの大群を見るチャンスがあります。この公園には、他にも多くの種類の哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類、両生類、魚類、無脊椎動物が生息しています。

ミリッサでの 03 日間



この保護区はカラメティヤ マングローブ ラグーンとその地域にあります。これは、カラメティヤ ビーチのすぐ近くにある汽水ラグーンです。このエリアには写真スポットがたくさんあります。カラメティヤ鳥類保護区には、54 羽の渡り鳥を含む 150 種以上の鳥が生息しています。さらに、カラメティヤ鳥類保護区には、約 20 種の哺乳類、約 41 種の魚類、38 種の爬虫類が生息しています。ここは機織り鳥の楽園です。鳥類保護区にはハタドリの巣がたくさんあります。




ポルトガル人とオランダ人が本拠地を置いたゴールの街とその秘密を発見してください。アジアで最も保存状態の良い要塞の 1 つであるゴール要塞を訪れてください。海洋博物館、ゴール国立博物館、灯台をご覧ください。オランダ語の名前が記された石畳の通りを歩きながら、その歴史について学びましょう。


スリランカの南西海岸にあるウミガメ孵化場を訪れてください。スリランカの海岸に営巣のためにやってくる 5 種類の絶滅危惧種のウミガメについて詳しく学びましょう。カメのケア プログラムが、孵化するまで巣を保護し、赤ちゃんの生存の可能性を高めるのにどのように役立つかを学びましょう。赤ちゃんカメを見たり、触ったり、餌をあげたりするチャンスを手に入れましょう。あるいは、亀の孵化場が世話する負傷した大人の亀さえもです。


バージン ホワイト ティー ファクトリーとしても知られるハンドゥヌゴダ ティー ファクトリーを訪れてください。この工場で生産されるお茶の歴史を学びましょう。有名なバージン ホワイト ティーがどのようにして人間の手に触れずに摘み取られ、加工されるのかを知りましょう。おいしい紅茶とおいしいチョコレート ケーキのテイスティング セッションに参加してください。お土産として茶葉を購入するチャンスです。

スティルト フィッシャーマンズ






  • 自家用車での移動、燃料、駐車場、高速道路料金。
  • 英語を話す運転手ガイドのサービス。
  • すべての一般的な税金とサービス料。
  • 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 500 ml のウォーターボトル 2 本。


  • ホテルの宿泊と食事。
  • それぞれのサイトへの入場料。
  • 運転手ガイドの宿泊施設。
  • 個人的な支出。
  • ビザと関連費用。
  • ヒントとポーテージ。


  • 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 1 リットルのウォーターボトル 1 本。
  • 部屋ごとにローカル SIM カード 1 枚。

02 Days in  Sinharaja

If you are a nature and wildlife enthusiast, then our Wild Wonders package would be the perfect tour for you to enjoy in Sri Lanka. You can enjoy a fascinating jungle safari through the Sinharaja Rain Forest Reserve and encounter many endemic and native flora and fauna here. With a thick forest growth, guests have to be cautious when walking through.

Jungle Trekking in Sinharaja

Go on a jungle safari to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sinharaja Forest Reserve. Experience the virgin forest with its dense evergreen type vegetation. Feel the adventure as you listen to the screeches of monkeys and see the glimpses of colorful forest birds. Feel the spine-thrilling chill as you watch a green pit viper wind itself amongst the foliage. A wonderful opportunity for those who wish to see Mother Nature at her wildest.

02 Days in Yala

The second largest park in island, the Yala National Park is located along the South East border of Sri Lanka while it is also home to many species of migrant and native birds, local elephants, leopards, monkeys, amphibians, and many more. You can enjoy a jeep safari and explore the park and spot the animals in your bucket list

Enjoy  the Yala National Park Safari

This amazing Safari offers the opportunity to visit Yala National Park, the second largest in the island based off the Southeastern coast of Sri Lanka. Get a chance to see the famous Sri Lankan leopards, indigenous wild water buffalo, Sri Lankan Sloth Bear and large herds of Sri Lankan Elephants. The park is also home to many other species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates..

03 Days in Mirissa

From visiting the Kalamatiya Bird Sanctuary to the Handungoda Tea Factory, while in Mirissa, you can also enjoy a whale watching tour off the coast. You can drop in at a turtle hatchery and explore the old colonial city of Galle as well. Mirissa is also well known for its Stilt Fishermen which is always a good photo opportunity and a memory to cherish.

Bird Watching in Kalamatiya Bird Sanctuary

This sanctuary located in Kalametiya mangrove lagoon and area. This is a brackish water lagoon very close to Kalametiya beach. There are many pictures places in this area.  There are over 150 species of birds in Kalametiya bird sanctuary including 54 migratory birds. additionally, about 20 species of mammals, about 41 species of fish and 38 species of reptiles live in Kalametiya bird sanctuary. This is a haven for weaver birds. there are many weaver bird nest in the bird sanctuary.

Whale Watching

This tour gives you an opportunity to see the biggest mammals on earth, the whales, in their natural habitat. Get a chance to see blue whales, sperm whales and fin whales as they swim in the waters to the south of Sri Lanka. Gain more knowledge about the whales as a species from a qualified naturalist and learn to identify them. This tour gives you a responsible whale watching experience with a minimal imprint on nature.

Galle Fort and the Old Colonial City

Discover the city of Galle, where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters, and its secrets. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best preserved fortifications in Asia. View the Maritime Museum, Galle National Museum and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names as you learn more about their histories.

Turtle Hatchery

Visit the Turtle Hatchery on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Learn more about the five endangered sea turtle species that come to the shores of Sri Lanka to nest. Learn how the Turtle Care Program helps protect the nests until they hatch and increases the chances of survival for the babies. Get a chance to see, touch and feed baby turtles; or even injured adult turtles that the Turtle Hatchery cares for.

Handungoda Tea Factory

Visit Handunugoda Tea Factory which is also known as the Virgin White Tea Factory. Learn the history of the tea that this factory produces. Get to know how the famous Virgin White Tea is plucked and processed completely untouched by human hands. Engage in a tasting session with a delicious cup of tea and scrumptious chocolate cake. Get a chance to purchase some tea leaves as a souvenir.

Stilt Fisherman’s

Hear the stories of how stilt fishing came to Sri Lanka, from the mouths of the fishermen who have practiced the craft for generations. Learn how the stilt fishing is done in detail and marvel at the level of skill that goes into it. Get some amazing photographs of the fishermen silhouetted against the shoreline at sunset.


After a relaxed morning and breakfast at the hotel check out and, drive to the Airport for your flight back home.

As featured on:


  • Transport in a Private Vehicle, Fuel, Parking & Highway tolls.
  • Service of English-Speaking Chauffeur Guide.
  • All prevailing taxes and service charges.
  • 2 x 500ml Water Bottles per Person per Day.


  • Hotel Accommodation and Meals.
  • Entrance fees to the respective sites.
  • Chauffeur Guide's Accommodation.
  • Expenses of personal nature.
  • Visa and Related Expenses.
  • Tips & Portages.


  • 1 x 1 Litre water bottle per person per day.
  • 1 x Local SIM card per room.