Badulla City
Badulla: Scenic town in Sri Lanka's hill country, surrounded by lush tea plantations and offering picturesque landscapes, waterfalls, and cultural sites.
ベラガラ ෴ බෙරගල
ベラガラはスリランカの小さな町です。スリランカのウバ県バドゥッラ地区にあります。コロンボから A4 高速道路沿いに 183 km 離れた場所にあります。この地域は自然環境だけでなく、地滑りでも知られています。 3つ星ビューホテルのホテル。気温22℃。
バドゥッラはスリランカのウヴァ県の州都です。バドゥッラはキャンディの南東に位置し、ほぼバドゥル オヤ川に囲まれ、海抜約 680 メートル (2200 フィート) で、茶畑に囲まれています。町はナムヌクラ山脈の影に覆われています。バドゥッラはコロンボからスリランカ中央丘陵の東斜面に向かって約230km離れたところにあります。
ウバ県はスリランカで 2 番目に人口の少ない県で、1,187,335 人が 1896 年に設立されました。バドゥッラとモネラーガラという 2 つの地区で構成されています。州都はバドゥッラです。ウバは東部、南部、中部の各州に隣接しています。主な観光名所は、ドゥンヒンダ滝、ディヤルマ滝、ラワナ滝、ヤーラ国立公園(一部は南部州と東部州にまたがる)、ガルオヤ国立公園(一部は東部州にある)などです。ガル オヤ丘陵とセントラル マウンテンズが主要な高地であり、マハウェリ川とメニク川、巨大なセナナヤケ サムドラヤ貯水池とマドゥル オヤ貯水池がウバ州の主要な水路です。
Special places in Badulla
Muthiyangana Raja Maha Vihara
Muthiyanganaya Raja Maha Viharaya lies in the centre of the city of Badulla. The History of this temple goes back to the time of Buddha but this area around Badulla goes way back in to the time of 19th -18th century BCE.
Dowa Raja Maha Viharaya
Dowa Raja Maha Viharaya (Dowa Cape Temple) lies few kilometres away from the Bandarawela town on the Bandarawela – Badulla Road. This temple is thought to be done by King Walagamba in the in first century BC.
Bogoda Wooden Bridge
The Bogoda Wooden Bridge was built in the 16th century during the Dambadeniya era. This is said to be the oldest surviving wooden bridge in Sri Lanka. The bridge is situated at 7 kilometres (4.3 mi) west of Badulla.
Dunhinda Falls
Dunhinda Falls is situated about 5 km away from Badulla town. It is 63 meters high and is considered to be one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka. The falls gets its name dew to the smoky dew drops spray.
About Badulla District
Badulla is the capital of Uva Province in Sri Lanka. Badulla is located on the southeast of Kandy, almost encircled by the Badulu Oya , about 680 meters (2200 ft) above sea level and is surrounded by tea plantations. The town is overshadowed by the Namunukula range of mountains. Badulla is about 230km away from Colombo towards the eastern slopes of central hills of Sri Lanka.
Badulla and surroundings are highly recommended for eco-tourists as Horton Plains National Park and the Knuckles mountains are few hours away.
About Uva Province
The Uva Province is Sri Lanka's second least populated province, with 1,187,335 people, created in 1896. It consists of two districts called Badulla and Moneragala The provincial capital is Badulla. Uva is bordered by Eastern, Southern and Central provinces. Its major tourist attractions are Dunhinda Falls, Diyaluma Falls, Rawana Falls, the Yala National Park (lying partly in the Southern and Eastern Provinces) and Gal Oya National Park (lying partly in the Eastern Province). The Gal Oya hills and the Central Mountains are the main uplands, while the Mahaweli and Menik rivers and the huge Senanayake Samudraya and Maduru Oya Reservoirs are the major waterways in Uva province.
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