ウェリガマ ビーチ

ウナワトゥナベイ ビーチから東 23 km にある漁師町ウェリガマ(シンハラ語で砂の村を意味する) は、岩が露出し、細かい金色の砂が縁取られた、広くて美しい湾の周りを曲がりくねっています。ウナワトゥナからウェリガマの魅力的な小さな町に入ると、道路は海岸沿いを走る枝と町の中心部を並行して走る枝に分かれます。ウェリガマは静かですが魅力的です。中心部の雑然とした店舗は、緑豊かなトロピカルガーデンから覗く、​​華やかな木製の透かし彫りで装飾された美しいジンジャーブレッドのヴィラの緑豊かな通りへと続いています。

【LK94007728:ウェリガマビーチ.テキストは Lakpura™ によるものです。画像は Google によるもので、著作権はオリジナルの作者が留保します。】

About Matara District

Matara is a city on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, 160 km from Colombo. It is one of the largest cities in Sri Lanka. The town contains many remnants of Sri Lanka is colonial past and is divided by the island?s third longest river, the Nilwala Ganga, Blue River a beautiful, wide expanse of water that splits the old town from the new.

In 16th and 18th centuries Matara was ruled by Portuguese and Dutch respectively. The culture and architecture can be still seen in the area. The popular Light house in point Dondra was built by Dutch and it is considered as one of the most beautiful and oldest light houses in Sri Lanka.

Matara is a city on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, 160 km from Colombo. It is one of the largest cities in Sri Lanka. The town contains many remnants of Sri Lanka?s colonial past and is divided by the island?s third longest river, the Nilwala Ganga, Blue River a beautiful, wide expanse of water that splits the old town from the new.

In 16th and 18th centuries Matara was ruled by Portuguese and Dutch respectively. The culture and architecture can be still seen in the area. The popular Light house in point Dondra was built by Dutch and it is considered as one of the most beautiful and oldest light houses in Sri Lanka.

About Southern Province

The Southern Province of Sri Lanka is a small geographic area consisting of the districts of Galle, Matara and Hambantota. Subsistence farming and fishing is the main source of income for the vast majority of the people of this region.

Important landmarks of the Southern Province include the wildlife sanctuaries of the Yala and Udawalawe National Parks, the holy city of Kataragama, and the ancient cities of Tissamaharama, Kirinda and Galle. (Although Galle is an ancient city, almost nothing survives from before the Portuguese invasion.) During the Portuguese period there were two famous Sinhalese poets called Andare who was from Dickwella and Gajaman Nona who was from Denipitiya in Matara District, composing poems on common man.