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通常価格 ¥124,800 JPY
通常価格 ¥134,400 JPY セール価格 ¥124,800 JPY
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(SKU: LK10EB7000) 東海岸からスリランカ中央国へ向かう休暇。東の地平線から昇る日の出を眺めながら、太陽の光を浴びて足元を波打ちましょう。スリランカの古代王国を探索し、アヌラーダプラとポロンナルワの広く普及している古代遺跡の背後にある秘密を発見してください。世界的に有名なシギリヤの「ライオン ロック」要塞に登り、スリランカの国立公園の大自然を制覇しましょう。

ニゴンボの 1 日



ピンナワラゾウ孤児院は、スリランカのサバラガムワ州ピンナワラ村にある、自然の生息地を追われた、または失われた若いゾウたちの家です。ピンナワラ象孤児院は、世界最大の陸上哺乳類を間近で個人的に体験できる最高の場所です。現在、70 頭のゾウがいるピンナウェラは、世界最大のゾウの群れの生息地となっています。


13 世紀に政府の本拠地が置かれたヤパフワの岩の要塞を訪れてください。また、当時の聖遺物が保管されていた独自の仏歯寺の聖遺物もありました。壮大な入り口のアーチと装飾的な階段をご覧ください。頂上にある寺院の遺跡やテラスに沿って歩きましょう。城塞全体に点在する精緻な彫刻をお楽しみください。ヤパフワは言葉では言い表せない素晴らしい場所で、自分の目で見るのが一番です。

ダンブッラ 2 日間



紀元 10 世紀まで 1000 年以上にわたり首都であったアヌラーダプラの古代遺跡都市を歩きましょう。広大な敷地に点在する仏塔や僧院の建物、池などをご覧ください。古代世界で最も高い建物の 1 つであるジェータヴァナラマ、スリ マハ菩提寺、巨大なアバヤギリ僧院の遺跡などの重要なランドマークを訪れてください。王たちの足跡をたどりながら、スリランカの歴史についてさらに知識を深めましょう。

ミヒンタレ ロック

スリランカの仏教発祥の地を訪ねてみましょう。デヴァナンピヤティッサ王とマヒンダ僧侶の会談が行われた場所を見てみましょう。山のふもとにある修道院の遺跡をご覧ください。マヒンダが住んでいた洞窟を訪れながら、マヒンダの足跡をたどりましょう。歴史的な仏塔、アンバスタラ ダゴバ、マハ仏塔をご覧ください。遠い昔の時代の遺跡に入り、スリランカの歴史に与えた影響を理解しましょう。

シーギリヤ ロック フォートレス

かつてスリランカのカシャパ王が統治していた紀元 5 世紀の岩の要塞シギリヤは、現在ユネスコの世界遺産であり、スリランカで最も歴史的なランドマークの 1 つです。 「ライオン岩」という名前にふさわしいライオンの足で囲まれた入り口を通ってください。シギリヤに名声をもたらした色褪せない美しい壁画をご覧ください。急な階段を登ると、階段状の庭園と今も稼働している貯水池が見えます。これは古代スリランカの水力工学の驚くべき例です。宮殿に続くトンネルを歩きながら、遠い昔の雰囲気を感じてください。




この 3 時間のサファリでは、ミンネリヤ国立公園を散策します。 5 月から 10 月の乾季に開催される有名なグレート エレファント ギャザリングでは、150 頭以上のゾウが一堂に会する光景をお楽しみください。ゾウに加えて、低木地帯や森林などのエリアで、多くの哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類、両生類を見るチャンスがあります。

パシクダでの 2 日間



紀元前 1 世紀に遡る、ダンブッラの黄金寺院の歴史的な洞窟に入りましょう。ゴータマ ブッダの生涯を描いた古代の壁画を鑑賞しましょう。 5 つの主要な洞窟に点在する何百もの仏陀やその他の神々の置物をご覧ください。神王の洞窟、大王の洞窟、大新修道院を訪れてください。洞窟の外から少し離れたところにある巨大な黄金の仏像をご覧ください。


スリランカの第 2 の首都であった古代都市ポロンナルワを訪れます。西暦 10 世紀から 13 世紀にかけて栄えた都市の遺跡を歩きましょう。ガル ヴィハーラ、ヴァタダージ、蓮の浴場、ランカティラカ寺院、ポロンナルワの黄金時代と考えられていた治世のパラクラマバフ王の像などの重要な記念碑をご覧ください。スリランカの古代の歴史についてもっと学びましょう。

アルガンベイでの 2 日間



エラでの 1 日



エッラの街とその最も興味深い場所を探索してください。明るい緑の茶畑や険しい岩場を通り抜け、リトル アダムズ ピークの魔法のような景色を眺めましょう。歴史が染み込んだ九連アーチ橋を歩いて、その建設の物語に耳を傾けましょう。ハイキングは、ユニークなループオーバー線路設計のデモダラ駅で終了します。このツアーでは、スリランカの最高の観光スポットを見るチャンスが得られます

ウダワラウェの 1 日



ラワナ エラ: 伝説に関連した美しい自然の驚異は、エラ-ウェラワヤ道路沿いのウドゥヌワラ村の近くにあるラワナエラ(ラーヴァナ滝) です。滝の裏に隠された洞窟(「黄金の洞窟」)は、ラワナが美しいインドのシータ王女を誘拐した後、隠したいくつかの場所のうちの 1 つであると考えられています。


この 3 時間のサファリでは、ウダワラウェ国立公園を訪れることができます。 1970 年代に野生生物の保護区として作られたこの公園の湿地、森林、草原を散策しましょう。この公園の名物である水鳥やスリランカゾウをご覧ください。他の哺乳類や鳥類、爬虫類、両生類、蝶を垣間見ることができます。

ヒッカドゥワの 1 日



おそらく世界で 2 番目に大きい噴気孔であるフンマナヤの驚異を探索してください。スリランカの自然地質の一部であるクダウェラ村の近くにある、海水が噴き出す印象的な噴水をご覧ください。フンマナヤの名前の由来となっている深いハミング音を聞いてください。


ポルトガル人とオランダ人が本拠地を置いたゴールの秘密を探ってみましょう。アジアで最も保存状態の良い要塞の 1 つであるゴール要塞を訪れてください。ゴールの博物館と灯台をご覧ください。オランダ語の名前が記された石畳の通りを歩き、ガイドが語る彼らの物語に耳を傾けましょう。熱帯のそよ風に吹かれながら、キング ココナッツや紅茶を飲みながらリラックスしましょう。

ベントータでの 1 日



豊かな生態系を持つマドゥ川を下る、素晴らしい 2 時間のボートクルーズに出かけましょう。マングローブ林によって作られた秘密の小道を通り抜けます。ウババワニやミズオオトシゴをご覧ください。シナモンを収穫する原住民が住む小さな島を訪れてみましょう。有名なフィッシュマッサージの回復効果をお楽しみください。自然の生息地で水鳥を観察してください。


スリランカの南西海岸にあるコスゴダのカメ孵化場を訪れてください。スリランカの海岸に営巣のためにやってくる 5 種類の絶滅危惧種のウミガメについて詳しく学びましょう。コスゴダカメケアプログラムが、孵化するまで巣を保護し、赤ちゃんの生存の可能性を高める方法を学びましょう。赤ちゃんカメを見たり、触ったり、餌をあげたりするチャンスを手に入れましょう。あるいは、亀の孵化場が世話する負傷した大人の亀さえもです。

コロンボ 1 日





スリランカの首都コロンボの色とりどりの光と明るい生活を体験してください。旧灯台、旧国会議事堂、ゴールフェイス ホテル、ゴールフェイス グリーン、ガンガラーマ寺院、国立博物館などの歴史的建造物を訪れてください。独立広場や競馬場などのショッピングモールをお楽しみください。ブティック ショップやデザイナー ショップを訪れてください。朝までパーティーをしながらDaylifeを満喫してください。




  • 自家用車での移動、燃料、駐車場、高速道路料金。
  • 英語を話す運転手ガイドのサービス。
  • すべての一般的な税金とサービス料。
  • 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 500 ml のウォーターボトル 2 本。


  • ホテルの宿泊と食事。
  • それぞれのサイトへの入場料。
  • 運転手ガイドの宿泊施設。
  • 個人的な支出。
  • ビザと関連費用。
  • ヒントとポーテージ。


  • 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 1 リットルのウォーターボトル 1 本。
  • 部屋ごとにローカル SIM カード 1 枚。

1 Day in Anuradhapura

Travelling from Negombo towards the first Ancient Kingdom in Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, you will come across landmarks including the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage and the Rock Fortress in Yapahuwa which also served as the capital of the island for a short time period. Pinnawala is home to many displaced elephants while Yapahuwa boasts of its very own Temple of the Tooth

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is the home for young Elephants who have been displaced or lost from their natural habitat, located at Pinnawala village in Sabaragamuwa province of Sri Lanka. Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage is the best place for an up close and personal experience with the world’s largest land mammals! Today with 70 elephants herein, Pinnawela has become the home to the largest captive group of elephants in the world.

Yapahuwa Rock Fortress

Visit the rock fortress of Yapahuwa where the seat of government was based in the 13th century. It also had its own Temple of the Tooth Relic where the relic was housed at that time. View the majestic entrance arch and ornamental stairway. Walk through the ruins of the temple at the summit or along the terraces. Enjoy the detailed sculptures scattered throughout the entire fortress. Yapahuwa is an incredible place that defies description and is best seen with one’s own eyes.

2 Days in Dambulla

Travelling to another ancient kingdom, Dambulla, enroute you will step over the threshold of the Sacred City of Anuradhapura and explore the serene location. Visit the Mihintale Rock, the Sigiriya Rock Fortress and enjoy a relaxing village tour too. A thrilling safari ride awaits you at the Minneriya National Park which is famed for its population of Sri Lankan elephants.

The Sacred City of Anuradhapura

Walk through the ancient ruined city of Anuradhapura, which was the capital for over a millennium until the 10th century AD. View the pagodas, monastic buildings, and ponds that are scattered all over the vast area. Visit important landmarks such as Jetavanarama, which was one of the tallest buildings in the ancient world, the Sri Maha Bodhi and the ruins of the huge Abhayagiri Monastery. Gain more knowledge about Sri Lanka’s history as you walk in the footsteps of Kings.

Mihintale Rock

Visit the place where Buddhism began in Sri Lanka. See the spot where the meeting of King Devanampiyatissa and Monk Mahinda took place. View the monastic ruins at the foot of the mountain. Walk in the footsteps of Mahinda as you visit the cave where he resided. View historic stupas, Ambasthala Dagoba and the Maha Stupa. Enter the ruins of an age long past to understand its impact on the history of Sri Lanka.

Sigiriya Rock Fortress

The 5th century AD rock fortress Sigiriya, once ruled by the Sri Lankan King Kashyapa, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Sri Lanka’s most historical landmarks. Walk through the entrance framed by the paws of a lion that is quite appropriate for its name, ‘The Lion Rock’. View the beautiful unfading murals that brought Sigiriya its fame. Climb the steep staircase to see the terraced gardens and still-working cisterns, that is a mind-blowing example of ancient Sri Lankan hydraulic engineering. Walk through the tunnels leading to the palace as you get a feel for times long past.

Sigiriya Village Tour

Get a chance to go on an oxen cart ride, and experience the world from the view of a village farmer. Enjoy a relaxing catamaran safari across a calm lake. Walk through the golden fields ripe with their harvest of paddy. Watch an enjoyable traditional cooking demonstration that teaches you the basics of Sri Lankan cuisine. Delight your taste buds with a home-cooked lunch; made over a wood-fire and served on fragrant lotus leaves placed over woven trays. Enjoy the life of a Sri Lankan villager, just this day.

Minneriya National Park

This three-hour safari takes you on a ride through the Minneriya National Park. Enjoy the sight of over 150 elephants congregating in one place during the famous Great Elephant Gathering, which happens in the dry season between May to October. In addition to elephants, get a chance to also see many mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians in the scrublands, forests and other areas.

2 Days in Pasikudha

Heading towards Pasikudah along the East coast of Sri Lanka which offers easy access to Batticaloa and Trincomalee, we will first stop over at the Dambulla Cave Temple and the ancient city of Polonnaruwa which are all ruins and remnants of kingdoms that once thrived as Sri Lankan capitals and political centers.  Pasikudah is home to beautiful beaches.

Dambulla Cave Temple

Enter the historic caves of the Golden Temple of Dambulla, dating back to the 1st century BC. View the ancient murals depicting the life story of Lord Gautama Buddha. Look at the hundreds of figurines of Buddha and other deities scattered throughout the five main caves. Visit the Cave of the Divine King, Cave of the Great King and the Great New Monastery. See the giant golden Buddha Statue just a little distance outside the cave complex.

The Ancient Kingdom of Polonnaruwa

Visit the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, which was the second major capital of Sri Lanka. Walk through the ruins of the city that flourished between the 10th to the 13th century AD. View important monuments such as Gal Vihara, Vatadage, the lotus bath, Lankathilaka Temple and the statue of King Parakramabahu whose reign was considered the golden age of Polonnaruwa. Get to know more about Sri Lanka’s ancient history.

2 Days in Arugambay

Your stay at Arugam Bay can be spent by the beach. Enjoy the sun, sand and surf, Arugam Bay is a tourist magnet and home to a point break that most say is the best surf spot in the island. The waves are best from June to August while other seasons you have great weather, just less waves.

Rest in the coast of Arugambay and enjoy the sea breeze and its magnificent tides. Spend the day leisurely enjoying the coast and the facilities provided by the hotel.

1 Day in Ella

Heading inland from the beach, we will travel towards Ella, which is everyone’s favourite hill country village setting where you can rest well and enjoy stunning views of the region right up to the South Coast. Walk through tea plantations and mountains that have unforgettable viewpoints to waterfalls and landmarks with historical significance.  Ella is a paradise for hiking.

Explore the city of Ella

Explore the city of Ella and its most interesting places. Pass through bright green tea fields, and tough stretches of rock, and get to see the magical views of Little Adam’s Peak. Walk over the history seeped Nine Arches Bridge and listen to the story of its construction. End your hike at the Demodara Railway station with its unique loop-over track design. This tour gives you the chance to see the best sights of Sri Lanka

1 Day in Udawalawe

You will visit the beautiful Rawana Falls with a hidden cave behind it which is believed to be associated with the epic tale of Ravana. From Ella, we then head towards Udawalawe, which is home to a wildlife sanctuary offering a natural habitat for wild elephants, water birds, amphibians, reptiles and many more with varied landforms like marches and grassland.

Rawana Falls

Rawana Ella: A beautiful natural wonder associated with legend is the Rawana Ella (Ravana Falls) located near the village of Udunuwara on the Ella-Wellawaya Road. A cave (“cave of gold”) hidden behind the falls is believed to be one of several places where Rawana hid his lovely Indian Princess Sita after abducting her.

Udawalawe National Park

This three-hour safari gives you the chance to visit Udawalawe National Park. Travel through the marshes, forests and grasslands of the park that was created as a sanctuary for wildlife in the 1970s. See the water birds and Sri Lankan elephants for which the park is famed. Catch glimpses of the other mammals and birds, as well as the reptiles, amphibians and butterflies.

1 Day in Hikkaduwa

Moving towards the Southern Coastal area, we stopover at Hikkaduwa which is a favourite among tourists for its many water sport activities. While here, you can visit the Blow Hole which is a large spraying fountain of sea water and then explore Galle, home to the magnificent Fort and the many hidden gems that you find within the ramparts.

Hummanaya Blow Hole

Explore the wonders of the Hummanaya, which could possibly be the second largest blowhole in the world. Watch the impressive spraying fountain of sea water near the village of Kudawella that is part of Sri Lanka’s natural geology. Listen to the deep humming noise that gives the Hummanaya its name.

Old Colonial City of Galle

Explore the secrets of Galle where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best-preserved fortifications in Asia. View the museums of Galle and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names and listen to your guide tell their stories. Relax with a king coconut or a cup of tea caressed by a breeze of the tropics.

1 Day in Bentota

Heading north along the coastal belt, we come to Bentota which is also a well known watersport centre and resort area. You will enjoy a two hour boat safari along the calm waters of the Madu River which runs through mangroves and rich bio diversity filled with water monitors. You will then visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery as well.

Madu River

Go on a wonderful two-hour boat ride down the Madu River with its flourishing ecosystem. Pass through the secretive passages created by the mangroves. See the basking crocodiles and water monitors. Visit one of the small islands with its cinnamon harvesting natives. Enjoy the restorative qualities of the famous fish massage. Observe the waterbirds in their natural habitats.

Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery

Visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Learn more about the five endangered sea turtle species that come to the shores of Sri Lanka to nest. Learn how the Kosgoda Turtle Care Program helps protect the nests until they hatch and increases the chances of survival for the babies. Get a chance to see, touch and feed baby turtles; or even injured adult turtles that the Turtle Hatchery cares for.

1 Day in Colombo

Prior to your departure, you will be escorted around the city of Colombo where you will witness some of the most popular places among tourists and locals. You can explore the shopping malls which are filled with designer stores and boutiques, you will marvel the old lighthouse and the parliament. You can even eat out and party till you leave.


After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport En-route Commence a City Tour of Colombo.

Experience the colorful lights and bright life of Colombo, the capital City of Sri Lanka. Visit historic monuments such as the Old Lighthouse, the Old ParliamentGalle Face HotelGalle Face Green, Gangarama Temple, the National Museum and more. Enjoy the malls of Independence Square or the Race Course. Visit boutique shops and designer stores. Enjoy the Daylife as you party till the morning.

Continue to Airport after spending a memorable time in this island

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