ガンポラ ෴ ගම්පොල

ガンポラはスリランカ中部州キャンディ地区にある町で、都市評議会によって統治されています。ガンポラは、14 世紀半ばに 4 年間統治したブワネカバフ 4世によって島の首都とされました。ガンポラの最後の王はブワネカバフ 5 世で、29 年間島を統治しました。この時代、アラガッコナラとして知られる貴族によってコッテに別の都市が建設されました。南アジアで最も長く眠っている仏像は、ガンポラのサリヤラプラ寺院にあります。

ガンポラ時代の遺跡の中で最も有名な寺院は、ランカティラカガダラデニヤエンベッカ デヴァラヤです。ランカティラカ寺院の古代の石文字 (シラ レカナ) は、ガンポラ時代に関する重要な情報を大量に明らかにするのに役立ちます。寺院の仏像は南インド芸術の様式を示しています。アンベッカ デワラヤ寺院は木彫りの膨大なコレクションを所有しており、スリランカの他の寺院でこれほどのコレクションを所有しているところはありません。

この町はスリランカの中央高地に位置しているため、年間を通して気候は穏やかです。平均海抜 1,087 m (3,566 フィート) に位置するアンブルワワ山は、環境保護と文化的および宗教的多様性を称賛する生物多様性複合施設がある丘の上の観光スポットです。この複合施設の注目すべき特徴は、山頂にある仏教の仏塔に似た大きな曲がりくねった塔です。ガンポラにはたくさんの店と広大な住宅地があります。


しかし、数年後、サラシンス氏はそれらはナワラピティヤの遺物であり、グリーン氏の遺物は疑いなく人工物であると発表し、アルチン氏もナワラピティヤの遺物をいくつか発見する可能性がある。最近、シラン・デラニヤガラはスリランカを6つの主要なエコゾーンに分類し、ゾーンD 2または900メートル以下の湿潤ゾーンに割り当てられた私たちの調査地域は、その特有の特徴を持つ国の特別な先史時代ゾーンとして定義されています。しかし、先史時代のガンポラに関する懸念は、スリランカの他の地域と比較するとかなり欠けており、他の地域と同様に証拠が豊富である可能性があります。

【LK94009624: Lakpura™によるテキスト。画像は Google によるもので、著作権はオリジナルの作者が留保します。】

About Kandy District

Kandy district is situated in the centrel province of Sri Lanka. One of the seven World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka, Kandy was once home to the Kandyan Kings of yore in the 16th-century and a fountainhead for all the music, arts, crafts and culture in the country. About 129 km away from Colombo, Kandy is ensconced amongst a hilly terrain and all eyes are drawn to the centre of the city, where the Kandy Lake forms a charming feature. Kandy retains great religious significance for Sri Lanka, because it is in this charming city that the Dalada Maligawa or "Temple of the Tooth" is located, within which the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha lies well guarded.

The Royal Botanical Garden, Peradeniya is situated about 5 km to the west of the city centre at Peradeniya and is visited by 1.2 million people per year. It is the largest botanical garden on the island. The Udawatta Kele (Udawatta Forest) is a protected sanctuary situated in the heart of the city, just north of Temple of the Tooth.

Kandy is a Sinhala majority city; there are sizeable communities belonging to other ethnic groups, such as Moors and Tamils. Kandy is second only to Colombo the center of the Sri Lankan Economy. Many major co operations have large branch officers in Kandy and many industries include textiles, furniture, Information Technology and jewellery are found here. Many agriculture research centers are located in the city.

And a fountainhead for all the music, arts, crafts and culture in the country. About 129 km away from Colombo, Kandy is ensconced amongst a hilly terrain and all eyes are drawn to the centre of the city, where the Kandy Lake forms a charming feature. Kandy retains great religious significance for Sri Lanka , because it is in this charming city that the Dalada Maligawa or Temple of the Toothis located, within which the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha lies well guarded.

About Central Provincce

The Central Province of Sri Lanka consists primarily of mountainous terrain. The province has an area of 5,674 km², and a population of 2,421,148. Some major towns include Kandy, Gampola (24,730), Nuwara Eliya and Bandarawela. The population is a mixture of Sinhalese, Tamil and the Moors.

Both the hill capital Kandy and the city of Nuwara Eliya are located within the Central Province as well as Sri Pada. The province produces much of the famous Ceylon tea, planted by the British in the 1860s after a devastating disease killed all the coffee plantations in the province. Central Province attracts many tourists, with hill station towns such as Kandy, Gampola, Hatton and Nuwara Eliya. Temple tooth or Dalada maligawa is the main sacred place in Centrel province.

The climate is cool, and many areas about 1500 meters often have chilly nights. The western slopes are very wet, some places having almost 7000 mm of rain per year. The eastern slopes are parts of the mid-dry zone as it is receiving rain only from North-Eastern monsoon. The Temperatures range from 24°C at Kandy to just 16°C in Nuwara Eliya, which is located 1,889 m above sea level. The highest mountains in Sri Lanka are located in the Central Province. The terrain is mostly mountainous, with deep valleys cutting into it. The two main mountain regions are the central massif and the Knuckles range to the east of Kandy.