Adventure with A Twist
Perfect for the adventure seeker, this tour is full of exploring through roads less travelled, hiking and trekking through some of the most beautiful areas of the tropical island of Sri Lanka. Hikes can be enjoyed to the Bible Rock and also the Knuckles Mountain Range while you can experience a walk through a tea estate up to the factory to witness the tea manufacturing process. Experience a pilgrimage walk to Adam’s Peak in the Hatton area and then explore the towns of Ella and Haputale. You can even hike up to the Ella Rock. You can enjoy some water sports in Kitulgala. Enjoy a wildlife safari in Yala and a whale watching tour in Mirissa, a gorgeous beach town.
ひねりを加えた冒険 (12 日間)
ひねりを加えた冒険 (12 日間)
(SKU: LK10CAX000) スリランカは、探索するのに息を呑むような多様な風景に彩られた熱帯の楽園です。このツアーでは、島の荒野を旅し、陸地をハイキングやトレッキングし、穏やかで活気のある海を旅しながら、スリランカの中心部の奥深くを探検します。
ニゴンボの 1 日
コロンボ国際空港に到着。ここでは、ラクプラから指定された運転手ガイドがお出迎えします。空港での手続き後、エアコン付きの車までご案内し、ネゴンボへ向かい、ホテルにチェックインしてリラックスしてください。 (移動時間 – 20~30分)
エルカドゥワでの 02 日間
地元では「バセレガラ」と呼ばれるスリランカの聖書の岩は、キャンディ通りに沿ってカドゥガンナワ峠を上り下りする途中、遠くの山並みの地平線に他の岩や山々にそびえ立つ、陰気な四角い番兵です。岩の上からの360度の眺めは写真家の夢です。アスピニ・エラ、カドゥガンナワ峠、ウラ・カンデ、そして周囲の山々や森林の壮観な景色は、一言で言えば息をのむほどです。最も風光明媚な山頂の 1 つであることに加えて、バイブル ロック周辺の生物多様性により、ハイカーや野鳥愛好家は特に鳥類を観察することができます。
01 ヌワラ エリヤ 1 日
ヌワラ エリヤ滞在中には、次のような体験ができます。
スリランカでお茶がどのように製造されるかを学びましょう。地元では「茶摘み師」として知られる茶摘みが、山沿いの緑豊かな並木の間を大きなかごを持って移動する様子を観察できます。その後、お茶の発酵、揉み、乾燥、切断、ふるい分け、等級分けについて説明するガイド付きツアーに参加します。最後にお茶の試飲をして、その歴史とセイロン ティーが世界最高のお茶とみなされている理由を学びましょう。
01 ハットンの一日
多くの宗教で神聖視されている有名なアダムズ ピークへの巡礼。聖なる山を登って、究極のゴールである頂上に到達します。奇跡の巨大な足跡の形をしたくぼみをご覧ください。仏教徒には仏陀のもの、ヒンズー教徒にはシヴァ神のもの、イスラム教徒とキリスト教徒にはアダムのものと考えられています。
キトゥルガラの湧き出る水と深い緑の森で究極の冒険に出かけましょう。キトゥルガラの滝を通って峡谷を抜け、スリル満点の斜面を滑り降ります。パノラマの景色を楽しみながら滝を下ります。熱帯雨林をハイキングして野生動物について学びましょう。あなたの休日をもっとエキサイティングなものにしましょう。ケラニ川の全長 5 km の急流を急流いかだで下り、冒険のスリルをお楽しみください。適切な安全対策による自信と保護で、激流の急流を跳ね抜けましょう。泡立つ急流を駆け抜けながら、アドレナリンが湧き上がる、決して忘れられない体験をお楽しみください。
この絵のように美しいハイキングコースでは、この地域で最も高い展望台の 1 つであるエラロックまで登ります。途中、遠くに見えるナムヌクラ山脈とリトル アダムズ ピークを眺めましょう。岩の上から早朝の素晴らしい景色を眺めましょう。バンダラワラ山脈、プーナガラ丘陵、ナランガラ、エラギャップ、バドゥッラ鉄道線路などの識別可能なランドマークが見られます。
エラの最も興味深い場所を探索してください。明るい緑の茶畑や険しい岩場を通り抜け、リトル アダムズ ピークの魔法のような景色を眺めましょう。歴史が染み込んだ九連アーチ橋を歩いて、その建設の物語に耳を傾けましょう。ハイキングは、ユニークなループオーバー線路設計のデモダラ駅で終了します。このツアーでは、スリランカの最高の観光スポットを見る機会が得られます。
ハプタレーの最も有名なランドマークを探索してください。スリランカで最も有名な展望台の 1 つであるリプトンの座席を訪れ、ウバ州、サバラガムワ州、中部州、東部州の景色を眺めることができます。 1900 年代初頭に建てられた美しいチューダー様式の邸宅、アディシャム バンガローの敷地内を散策しましょう。セント アンドリュース教会のネオ ゴシック建築を鑑賞し、多くの英国の茶園栽培者が眠る墓地を散策します。これは、ハプタレーの静かな美しさとその観光スポットをリラックスして楽しむ絶好の機会です。
自然愛好家の楽園であるワイルド コースト テンティッド ロッジでは、ゲストがスリランカで最も豊かな生物多様性に浸ることができる、格別な自然体験を提供しています。車はヤーラ国立公園の最も静かな場所までゲストを連れて行きます。一方、専門のナチュラリストガイドが、ゾウ、ナマケグマ、ヒョウなど、驚くほど多様な動植物についてゲストに説明します。野生のゾウの行動からバードウォッチングや自然散策にまで焦点を当てたさまざまな講義やワークショップが、魅力的な自然環境についての洞察を提供します。また、この地域の古代仏教遺跡を巡る魅力的なツアーも提供しています。
- 自家用車での移動、燃料、駐車場、高速道路料金。
- 英語を話す運転手ガイドのサービス。
- すべての一般的な税金とサービス料。
- 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 500 ml のウォーターボトル 2 本。
- ホテルの宿泊と食事。
- それぞれのサイトへの入場料。
- 運転手ガイドの宿泊施設。
- 個人的な支出。
- ビザと関連費用。
- ヒントとポーテージ。
- 1 人あたり 1 日あたり 1 リットルのウォーターボトル 1 本。
- 部屋ごとにローカル SIM カード 1 枚。
1 Day in Negombo
Ideal for the adventure lover, this tour takes you on a journey where you will experience the diverse landscapes by hiking or trekking through the country. Your first day will be spent in Negombo, where you can relax and prepare for the journey ahead. Negombo is a city that is lively with its fishing harbor, tourist hotspots and water sports.
Arrive at Colombo International Airport. Here, you will be met by a designated chauffer guide from Lakpura. After the formalities at the airport you will be escorted to your air conditioned vehicle and proceed to Negombo, check in to the hotel and relax. (Travel Time – 20 to 30 mins)
02 Days in Elkaduwa
Heading off to Elkaduwa, you can enjoy a few hikes to nearby locations. First, you will enjoy a beautiful hike to the top of “Bathalegala” which is also known as the Bible Rock and enjoy a picture perfect 360° view. Then enjoy an unforgettable hike to the Knuckles Mountain Range which has quite a challenging trail and wonderful views.
Lovely hike to the Bible Rock
The Bible Rock of Sri Lanka, locally named “Bathelegala” is a somber square sentinel that can be seen in the distant mountainous horizon, looming over other rocks and mountains, on the way up or down the Kadugannawa Pass along the Kandy Road. The 360-degree view from atop the rock is a photographer’s dream. The spectacular view of Asupini Ella, Kadugannawa Pass & Ura Kande, and the surrounding mountains and forests are simply put, breathtaking. On top of being one of the most scenic mountain tops, the biodiversity around Bible Rock ensures that hikers and bird lovers especially get to spot bird species.
Lovely Hike to Knuckles Mountain Range
Hike through the peaks and valleys of the massif, Knuckles. Get adventurous on this challenging trail with its many geographical variations. Get to see some of the hundreds of species of birds and other wildlife that inhabit the range. Enjoy the wonderful views that can be seen from the fist shaped peaks. Take amazing photographs that will make your holiday much more memorable.
1 Day in Nuwara Eliya
During your travel time in Nuwara Eliya, you will enjoy a guided tour to a tea factory where you will learn the entire process of how Ceylon Tea is manufactured. Nuwara Eliya is the hub for tea in Sri Lanka since it offers the ideal climate for tea growing. You can also enjoy a walk through a beautiful tea estate
Visit the Tea Factory and Get a Guided Tour Through a Tea Estate
Learn how tea is manufactured in Sri Lanka. You can observe the tea pickers, locally known as ‘tea pluckers’ as they move between the lush green rows along the mountains with their large baskets. Thereafter you will be given a guided tour explaning fermentation, rolling, drying, cutting, sieving and the grading of tea. Finish with a tea tasting process and learn of the history, and why Ceylon Tea is considered among the best in the world.
1 Day in Hatton
Famed as the tea capital of Sri Lanka and one of the busiest cities in the hill country, Hatton was founded during the British Colonial times. The city known for its Ceylon Tea plantations is a gateway to Sri Pada which is known as Adam’s Peak. While in Hatton you will take part in a pilgrimage to the sacred mountain.
Pilgrimage Walk to Adams Peak
A Pilgrimage to the famed Adam’s Peak which is held sacred by many religions. Climb the holy mountain to reach the ultimate finish, the peak. View the miraculous giant footstep shaped indentation that is believed to be that of Lord Buddha’s by the Buddhists, God Shiva’s by the Hindus and that of Adam by the Muslims and Christians.
02 Days in Haputale
Venturing further towards the highlands, you will spend two days in Haputale which is an area that is rich in bio diversity. Haputale which is surrounded by hills covered with tea plantations and cloud forests is a paradise for nature lovers. You can enjoy some water sports in Kitulgala, enjoy a hike to Ella Rock and explore Haputale and Ella.
Kitulgala and Engage in Water Sports
Go on the ultimate adventure in the gushing waters and deep green forests of Kithulgala. Canyon through the waterfall of Kitulgala, sliding down its thrilling slopes. Abseil down the waterfall while enjoying panoramic views. Hike through the rainforest and learn more about the wildlife. Make your holiday more exciting. Enjoy the thrill of adventure as your whitewater raft down the rapids of a 5km stretch of the Kelani River. Bounce through the turbulent white-waters with the confidence and protection offered by proper safety measures. Let your adrenaline rise as you are whirled through the foamy rapids in an experience you will never forget.
Hike to Ella Rock
This picturesque hike takes you up to Ella Rock, which is one of the highest viewpoints in the area. Watch the distant Namunukula Range and Little Adam’s Peak along the way. Get to see some stupendous early morning views of the landscape from the top of the rock. Some of the identifiable landmarks that can be seen are the Bandarawala Range, Poonagala Hills, Narangala, the Ella Gap and the Badulla train tracks.
Explore the Marvels of Ella
Explore Ella’s most interesting places. Pass through bright green tea fields, and tough stretches of rock, and get to see the magical views of Little Adam’s Peak. Walk over the history seeped Nine Arches Bridge and listen to the story of its construction. End your hike at the Demodara Railway station with its unique loop-over track design. This tour gives you the chance to see the best sights of Sri Lanka.
Explore the most famous landmarks of Haputale. Visit Lipton’s seat, one of the most famed observation points in Sri Lanka, which gives views of the Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Central and Eastern Provinces. Roam over the grounds of Adisham Bungalow, a beautiful Tudor mansion built in the early 1900s. View the neo-gothic architecture of St Andrews church, walk through its graveyard which is the resting place of many British tea planters, and much more. This is a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the calming beauty of Haputale and its sights.
2 Days in Yala
Leaving the hills behind, we head towards the South Eastern coast where wilderness awaits you in all its glory. With tented lodging and a safari ride will allowyou to experience the dense jungles and the wildlife here. With an expert naturalist to guide you throughout, you will have a few workshops and nature walks to understand the habitat more.
Safari in Yala National Park
A nature-lover’s paradise, Wild Coast Tented Lodge offers exceptional wilderness experiences, allowing guests to immerse themselves in some of the richest biodiversity in Sri Lanka. Vehicles will whisk guests to the quietest corners of Yala National Park, whilst expert naturalist guides will be on hand to talk guests through the incredible diversity of flora and fauna, including elephants, sloth bears and leopards. A variety of lectures and workshops, with focuses ranging from wild elephant behaviour to bird watching and nature walks, will offer an insight into the fascinating natural surroundings. We also offer fascinating excursions to the ancient Buddhist sites in the area.
2 Days in Mirissa
Moving up the coast to the Southern part of the island, we will make a pit stop at Mirissa which is a popular tourist destination with its beaches and nightlife. While in Mirissa you will experience a responsible whale watching tour with a minimal imprint on nature. An opportunity to see these gigantic mammals is indeed a miracle.
Mirissa Whale Watching Tour
This tour gives you an opportunity to see the biggest mammals on earth, the whales, in their natural habitat. Get a chance to see blue whales, sperm whales and fin whales as they swim in the waters to the south of Sri Lanka. Gain more knowledge about the whales as a species from a qualified naturalist and learn to identify them. This tour gives you a responsible whale watching experience with a minimal imprint on nature.
After a relaxed morning and breakfast at the hotel check out and, drive to the Airport for your flight back home.