Blend of Shore And Hills
A holiday that defines the geographical masterpieces of our tropical island is a perfect blend of shores and hills. We begin in the hill capital of Kandy, then ascend to higher ground to explore the lush green hills, misty valleys, and majestic waterfalls of the central highlands, including Nuwara Eliya, Ella, and Haputale. You can even enjoy a scenic train ride winding through the hills. From there, we journey to the southern region of the island, where a thrilling safari at Yala National Park awaits. The rest of your tour will be spent in Ahangama, where you can relax in the resort town, bask in the sun, and enjoy the beauty of the sandy shores.
(SKU: LK10780000) ヒルカントリーの緑と海岸沿いの砂浜を感じながら休暇をお過ごしください。丘陵地帯の寒い環境と、海岸地帯の太陽の暖かさの両方が組み合わされています。この国の主要都市を探索して、その名物や秘密を見つけてください。
キャンディの 1 日
ヌワラ エリヤ 1 日
ヌワラ エリヤでは、次のアクティビティに参加できます。
仏陀の神聖な歯を崇拝し保護する場所として 16 世紀に建てられた、ユネスコの世界遺産である仏歯寺を訪れてください。美しく装飾された通路や、赤、クリーム色、黒で精巧に塗装されたホールを歩きましょう。繊細な彫刻が施された柱に寄りかかり、美しい黄金の彫像に驚かされます。歴史と芸術の忘れられない体験をしてください。
ランボーダ滝はスリランカで 11 番目に高い滝で、プセラワ川のそばにあります。ランボダ滝は 3 つのセクションで構成されています。 A5 高速道路の橋のすぐ上から、中央セクションの良い景色を眺めることができます。他の部品に比べて非常に小さいサイズです。幹線道路からは頂上部分を遠望することができますが、滝の全景は見えません。ランボダ滝の上部を見るには登る必要があり、橋の直前に小道があります。登るのは少し難しいと感じるかもしれませんが、頂上の滝とその周囲の素晴らしい景色がそれを補ってくれるでしょう。
世界的に有名な「セイロンティー」の製造方法を見学できる製茶工場や農園を訪れます。 1824年、茶の木がイギリス人によって中国からセイロンに持ち込まれ、非営利目的でペラデニヤの王立植物園に植えられました。ジェームス・テイラーはイギリス国民で、スリランカ(セイロン)に商業的な茶園を紹介しました。彼は 1852 年にスリランカに到着し、キャンディのルールコンデラ邸宅に定住しました。今ではスリランカを知らなかった人でも、その品質の高さで知られるセイロンティーのことはよく知られています。
19 世紀から 20 世紀初頭にかけて英国人にとって最高の休日リゾート地であった高原都市を訪れてください。かわいらしい小さなコテージ、趣のあるヴィラ、美しい邸宅が建ち並ぶ通りの散策をお楽しみください。古い赤レンガの郵便局で、安価でカラフルなポストカードを購入して、家に持ち帰ったり、友達に送ったりして思い出を作りましょう。クイーン ビクトリア パークやグレゴリー湖の岸辺でリラックスしましょう。
エラでの 1 日
ナヌ オヤからハプタレーまでの列車の旅では、スリランカで最も美しい高原の田園地帯を巡る景色を楽しみながら移動できます。茶畑の鮮やかな緑の絨毯をご覧ください。霧のかかった山を背景に美しい村々が通り過ぎるのを眺めましょう。霧雨や霧の中を覗いて、ハプタレーの魔法のような風景を眺めてみましょう。窓辺に広がる威圧的な山々、深く暗い森林地帯、雄大な滝などの素晴らしい景色をお楽しみください。 (所要時間:3時間~3時間半)
ハプタレーの最も有名なランドマークを探索してください。スリランカで最も有名な展望台の 1 つであるリプトンの座席を訪れ、ウバ州、サバラガムワ州、中部州、東部州の景色を眺めることができます。 1900 年代初頭に建てられた美しいチューダー様式の邸宅、アディシャム バンガローの敷地内を散策しましょう。セント アンドリュース教会のネオ ゴシック建築を鑑賞し、多くの英国の茶園栽培者が眠る墓地を散策します。
ヤーラでの 1 日
これはエラの最も興味深い 3 つの場所へのハイキングです。明るい緑の茶畑や険しい岩場を通り抜け、リトル アダムズ ピークの魔法のような景色を眺めましょう。歴史が染み込んだ九連アーチ橋を歩いて、その建設の物語に耳を傾けましょう。ハイキングは、ユニークなループオーバー線路設計のデモダラ駅で終了します。このツアーでは、スリランカの最高の観光スポットを見るチャンスが得られます
この素晴らしい 3 時間のサファリでは、スリランカの南東海岸沖にある島で 2 番目に大きいヤーラ国立公園を訪れる機会が提供されます。有名なスリランカヒョウ、固有の野生水牛、スリランカナマケグマ、スリランカゾウの大群を見るチャンスがあります。この公園には、他の多くの種類の哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類、両生類、魚類、無脊椎動物も生息しています。
アハンガマでの 2 日間
スリランカの海岸を訪れる 5 種類の絶滅危惧種のウミガメとその保護について詳しく学びましょう。夜のウミガメウォッチングに参加すると、ウミガメが巣を作る様子を見ることができます。レカワウミガメ孵化場で数時間ボランティア活動を楽しんでください。
バージン ホワイト ティー ファクトリーとしても知られるハンドゥヌゴダ ティー ファクトリーを訪れてください。この工場で生産されるお茶の歴史を学びましょう。有名なバージン ホワイト ティーがどのようにして人間の手に触れずに摘み取られ、加工されるのかを知りましょう。おいしい紅茶とおいしいチョコレート ケーキのテイスティング セッションに参加してください。お土産として茶葉を購入するチャンスです。
ポルトガル人とオランダ人が本拠地を置いたゴールの秘密を探ってみましょう。アジアで最も保存状態の良い要塞の 1 つであるゴール要塞を訪れてください。ゴールの博物館と灯台をご覧ください。オランダ語の名前が記された石畳の通りを歩き、ガイドが語る彼らの物語に耳を傾けましょう。熱帯のそよ風に吹かれながら、キング ココナッツや紅茶を飲みながらリラックスしましょう。
1 Day in Kandy
En-route to Kandy, you will be visiting the Elephant Orphanage in Pinnawala which is a well known location for tourists and locals to visit and witness the herds of elephants that are housed here. Experience the joy of seeing these majestic beasts roaming around enjoying their daily routine of eating, bathing and having fun, especially the baby elephants.
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage
Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is the home for young Elephants who have been displaced or lost from their natural habitat, located at Pinnawala village in Sabaragamuwa province of Sri Lanka. Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is the best place for an up close and personal experience with the world’s largest land mammals!
1 Day in Nuwara Eliya
While travelling to Nuwara Eliya, you will be visiting the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic and then stop over at the view point of the Ramboda Falls. Once this is done, you will head over to visit a tea factory process of manufacturing Ceylon tea. Finally, you can explore the picturesque streets of Nuwara Eliya.
Temple of the Tooth Relic
Visit the Temple of the Tooth Relic a UNESCO World Heritage Site which was built in the 16th century as the place of veneration and protection for Lord Buddha’s sacred tooth. Walk through the beautifully embellished passageways and elaborately painted halls, done in red, cream and black. Lounge against delicately carved pillars and get amazed by the beautiful golden statues. Get an unforgettable experience of history and art.
Ramboda Falls
Ramboda Falls is the 11th highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and located by the Pussellawa. Ramboda falls consists of three sections. You will get a good view of the middle section from the A5 highway, just above the bridge. This is very small in size with compared to other parts. You can get a far view of the top part from the main road, but not the complete view of the fall. You need to climb up to see the top part of the Ramboda falls and there is a pathway just before the bridge. You may find the climbing bit difficult, but you will be compensated with the great view of the top fall and the surrounding.
Tea Factory
Visit a Tea Factory and a plantation where you would see how the world’s famous “Ceylon Tea” is manufactured. In 1824 a tea plant was brought to Ceylon by the British from China and was planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Peradeniya for non-commercial purposes. James Taylor was a British citizen who introduced commercial tea plantation in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). He arrived to Sri Lanka in 1852 and settled down in Loolecondera estate in Kandy. Today even people who have never heard of Sri Lanka are familiar with Ceylon tea, which is known for its quality.
Nuwara Eliya
Visit the highland city that was the premium holiday resort town of the British in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Enjoy walking through the streets with their pretty little cottages, quaint villas and beautiful mansions. Make a memory in the old red-bricked post office as you purchase an inexpensive and colorful postcard to take home or send to your friends. Relax at Queen Victoria Park or on the shores of Lake Gregory.
1 Day in Ella
To reach Ella, you can enjoy a scenic train ride from Nanu Oya to Haputale during the first leg while once you reach Haputale you can visit some of the most famous landmarks here. These include the Lipton’s Seat with views of many provinces as well the Adisham Bungalow and St. Andrew’s Church which are famed for their architectural elegance.
Train Ride from Nanu Oya to Haputale
The Nanu Oya to Haputale train journey takes you on scenic ride through some of the most beautiful highland countryside areas in Sri Lanka. Watch the brilliant greens carpets of the tea plantations. See the picturesque villages with misty mountain backdrops pass by. Peer through drizzle and mist to look at the magical landscapes of Haputale. Enjoy the amazing sights of intimidating mountains, deep and dark woodlands, and magnificent waterfalls as they go by your windows. (Travel Time: 3 to 3 ½ hours)
Explore the most famous landmarks of Haputale. Visit Lipton’s seat, one of the most famed observation points in Sri Lanka, which gives views of the Uva, Sabaragamuwa, Central and Eastern Provinces. Roam over the grounds of Adisham Bungalow, a beautiful Tudor mansion built in the early 1900s. View the neo-gothic architecture of St Andrews church, walk through its graveyard which is the resting place of many British tea planters, and much more.
1 Day in Yala
On the way to Yala, you will pass through Ella which has many geographically interesting locations to view including the Little Adam’s Peak, the Nine Arches Bridge as well as the Demodara Railway Station with its unique looped railway track. You can also enjoy a three hour safari at the Yala National Park where you can witness some endangered species.
This is a hike to three of Ella’s most interesting places. Pass through bright green tea fields, and tough stretches of rock, and get to see the magical views of Little Adam’s Peak. Walk over the history seeped Nine Arches Bridge and listen to the story of its construction. End your hike at the Demodara Railway station with its unique loop-over track design. This tour gives you the chance to see the best sights of Sri Lanka
Yala National Park Safari
This amazing three-hour Safari offers the opportunity to visit Yala National Park, the second largest in the island based off the Southeastern coast of Sri Lanka. Get a chance to see the famous Sri Lankan leopards, indigenous wild water buffalo, Sri Lankan Sloth Bear and large herds of Sri Lankan Elephants. The park is also home to many other species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.
2 Days in Ahangama
Heading towards the gorgeous beaches of the South of Sri Lanka, Ahangama has many fascinating places to visit and things to do. You can visit the Rekawa Turtle Hatchery, watch the stilt fishermen engage in their daily routine, make a trip to the Handunugoda Tea Factory and also enjoy a guided walk through the Galle Fort and its magnificent ramparts.
Rekawa Turtle Hatchery
Learn more about the five kinds of endangered sea turtles that visit the shores of Sri Lanka and their conservation. Do the night time turtle watch, and have a chance to see turtles come to nest. Have fun volunteering for a few hours at the Rekawa Turtle Hatchery.
Stilt Fishermen
Watch the captivating sight of fishermen perched on stilts in the waters along the coast of Koggala. Hear the stories of how stilt fishing came to Sri Lanka, from the mouths of the fishermen who have practiced the craft for generations. Learn how the stilt fishing is done in detail and marvel at the level of skill that goes into it. Get some amazing photographs of the fishermen silhouetted against the shoreline at sunset.
Handunugoda Tea Factory
Visit Handunugoda Tea Factory which is also known as the Virgin White Tea Factory. Learn the history of the tea that this factory produces. Get to know how the famous Virgin White Tea is plucked and processed completely untouched by human hands. Engage in a tasting session with a delicious cup of tea and scrumptious chocolate cake. Get a chance to purchase some tea leaves as a souvenir.
Galle Fort Guided Walking Tour
Explore the secrets of Galle where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best preserved fortifications in Asia. View the museums of Galle and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names and listen to your guide tell their stories. Relax with a king coconut or a cup of tea caressed by a breeze of the tropics.
After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport after spending a memorable time in this island.