伝統的な米 ෴ පාරම්පරික සහල්

スリランカでは、米は紀元前 800 年にまで遡り栽培されており、紀元前 390 年以来、大規模な灌漑構造によってさらに支えられています。この時代、スリランカは東洋の穀倉地帯として知られ、約 2000 種類の固有の米品種の存在が報告されています。 20世紀初頭には、約567の伝統的な米品種が記録されていました。これらの品種は、自然進化と私たちの祖先による意図的ではない選択を通じて、この国の高地および低地の稲作システムにおけるさまざまな稲作生態に適応してきました。


ほとんどの品種は、種まきから収穫まで4〜6か月の長い成熟期を持ちます。成熟期間が 2 か月半から 3 か月半の品種はほとんどありませんでした。最も伝統的な米の品種は赤であり、果皮の色が白いものはほとんどありません。いくつかの伝統的な品種は光期に非常に敏感で、 12月の短日にさらされた場合にのみ開花するため、国内ではマハの季節にのみ栽培できます。伝統的な植物の構造は非常に原始的で、稈が高くて弱く、栽培中に倒れる傾向があります。伝統的な品種の収穫指数は 0.3 未満であり、植物内で生産される穀物の量よりもバイオマス含有量が多く、収量低下につながることを示しています。伝統的な品種では、特定の適応性、抗生物質ストレスに対する耐性、およびいくつかの主要な害虫や病気に対する単一耐性または感受性の性質が報告されています。



  1. スリランカの伝統的な米 (Oryza sativa L.) 23 品種の物理化学的特性と栄養学的特性
  2. 伝統的な米作り:実践へ戻る
  • This variety of rice is named Sudu Heeneti because of the whitish-straw colour of its paddy. It is traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka and produces a bold red grain. The culm develops to about 135 cm in height. This crop can be harvested within 4 months from seeding.

    Sudu Heeneti (සුදු හීනටි) 
  • Dahanala is a long-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The culm is about 120 cm in height. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding.

    Dahanala (දහනල) 
  • Dik Wee is a medium-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 150 cm. This crop can be harvested within 4 to 4½ months from seeding.

    Dik Wee (දික් වී) 
  • Godaheeneti is a popular medium-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka, which belongs to the heeneti type. The plant develops to a maximum height of 160 cm. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding.

    Goda Heeneti (ගොඩ හීනටි) 
  • Gonabaru is a popular medium-grain rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 140 cm. This crop can be harvested within 5 months from seeding.

    Gonabaru (ගෝනබරැ) 
  • This variety of rice is named Kalu Heeneti because of the color of its lemma and palea which turn blackish at maturity. It is traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka and produces a red medium sized grain. The plant develops to a maximum height of 120 cm.

    Kalu Heeneti (කළු හීනටි) 
  • Ma Wee is a red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The grain varies in size and shape from short and round varieties to long medium sized varieties. It is one of the tallest rice plants cultivated and develops to a maximum height of 350 cm.

    Ma Wee (මා වී) 
  • Madathawalu is a very popular short-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 130 cm. This crop can be harvested within 4 months from seeding.

    Madathawalu; මඩතවාලු 
  • Masuran is a popular medium-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 120 cm and is resistant to lodging. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding during the Yala season and within 4½ months in the Maha season.

    Masuran (මසුරන්) 
  • Pachchaperumal is a very popular medium-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 120 cm. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding. At the stage of ripening the plant stem becomes light bluish in color.

    Pachchaperumal (පච්චපපෙරැමාල්) 
  • Pokkali is a popular red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The culm of plant is about 130 cm in height and bears about 10 tillers per plant. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding.

    Pokkali (ෙපාක්කාලි) 
  • Rathsuwandal is a popular medium-grain red rice variety traditionally cultivated in Sri Lanka. The plant develops to a maximum height of 120 cm. This crop can be harvested within 3½ months from seeding.

    Rath Suwandal (රත් සුවදැල්) 
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