Coast and Hikes
A perfect getaway for exploring and a holiday by thesea, the coast and hikes tour is ideal for the explorer and beach lover. Fromwalking through historical sites and having a glimpse of a golden era of ourisland, you can explore many ancient cities and ruins in Dambulla, Sigiriya,Polonnaruwa and Kandy. You can visit the central highlands of Hatton and Ellawhere you can hike through the cities and tourist hotspots. A day at the YalaNational Park will enable you to enjoy a safari in the jungle where you canspot leopards, elephants and many wildlife. Then we travel towards thebeautiful coastal town of Ahangama where you can relax even enjoy a whalewatching Tour.
(SKU: LK10BAL000) このツアーの目的は、野生の蝶を観察して識別することです。標本の収集はネイチャートレッキングツアーでは許可されておらず、さらにスリランカでは違法です。蝶の標本を入手していることが発覚したツアーメンバーは直ちにツアーからの退場を求められ、スリランカで訴追される可能性があります。原則として、害を及ぼさずできるだけ早く放す限り、識別目的での昆虫の捕獲には反対しませんが、ツアー参加者はスリランカのどの保護区でもこの行為は許可されていないことに注意してください。 、また、これらの地域に網を持ち込むことも許可されていません。これらの条件を遵守する用意がない場合は、このツアーへの参加を検討しないでください。
ダンブッラ 2 日間
ムネスワラム寺院は、スリランカの重要な地域のヒンズー教寺院群です。この寺院は少なくとも西暦 1000 年以降存在していましたが、この寺院にまつわる神話は、この寺院を人気のあるインドの叙事詩ラーマーヤナとその伝説の英雄王ラーマに関連付けています。この寺院は、この地域にあるシヴァ神を祀る 5 つの古代寺院のうちの 1 つです。
紀元前 1 世紀に遡る、ダンブッラの黄金寺院の歴史的な洞窟に入りましょう。ゴータマ ブッダの生涯を描いた古代の壁画を鑑賞しましょう。 5 つの主要な洞窟に点在する何百もの仏陀やその他の神々の置物をご覧ください。神王の洞窟、大王の洞窟、大新修道院を訪れてください。洞窟の外から少し離れたところにある巨大な黄金の仏像をご覧ください。
スリランカの第 2 の首都であった古代都市ポロンナルワを訪れます。西暦 10 世紀から 13 世紀にかけて栄えた都市の遺跡を歩きましょう。ガル ヴィハーラ、ヴァタダージ、蓮の浴場、ランカティラカ寺院、ポロンナルワの黄金時代と考えられていた治世のパラクラマバフ王の像などの重要な記念碑をご覧ください。スリランカの古代の歴史についてもっと学びましょう。
キャンディの 1 日
西暦 5 世紀にカシャパ王が統治した岩の要塞、シギリヤに登ってみませんか。 「ライオン岩」という名前にふさわしいライオンの足で囲まれた入り口を通ってください。シギリヤに名声をもたらした色褪せない美しい壁画をご覧ください。急な階段を登ると、階段状の庭園と今も稼働している貯水池が見えます。宮殿に続くトンネルを歩きながら、遠い昔の雰囲気を感じてください。
宝石細工、木彫り、バティックなどの芸術に関連したテクニカル ツアーに参加してください。色とりどりの伝統的な踊りと楽しい音楽が繰り広げられるキャンディアン文化ショーを鑑賞しましょう。
島の人気芸術形式が舞台に登場します。ファイヤー ダンサーやソード ダンサーに感動してください。ドラムの原始的なビートに合わせて、カラフルなキャンディアンのダンサーが空へ舞い上がる様子をご覧ください。
ハットンの 1 日
19世紀初頭に結成されました。 4,000 種以上の植物が生息する広大なエリアを歩きましょう。蘭、スパイス、薬用植物について楽しく学びましょう。大きくて珍しい木々の木陰や、開花植物に囲まれた道を散策しましょう。砲弾の木を見たり、ぐらつく吊り橋を渡ったり、生け垣の短い迷路を歩いたり、素晴らしいジャングルジムを作る曲がりくねった木に登ったりして楽しんでください。
仏歯寺はユネスコの世界遺産に登録されており、仏陀の神聖な歯を崇拝し保護する場所として 16 世紀に建てられました。美しく装飾された通路や、赤、クリーム色、黒で精巧に塗装されたホールを歩きましょう。繊細な彫刻が施された柱に寄りかかり、美しい黄金の彫像に驚かされます。歴史と芸術の忘れられない体験をしてください。
エラでの 1 日
アダムズ ピーク、山以外の理由で、スリ パダ – アダムズ ピーク (7362 フィート/2250 メートル) ほど有名な山はおそらくないでしょう。それは 3 つの宗教にとって神聖な場所です。仏教徒にとって、頂上の岩の上にある人間の足の形をした窪みは、仏陀の個人的な外見の 1 つを示しています。イスラム教徒は、この恐慌はアダムが片足でそこに長い間立っていたことで不従順の罪を償ったことを示していると信じている。何千年もの間、山頂を崇拝してきたヒンドゥー教徒にとって、その名前はシヴァン・アディ・パダムです。なぜなら、「版画」が記憶を呼び起こすのは、シヴァ神の創造的な踊りだからです。どちらの伝説を信じても構いません。この美しい場所は、千年以上にわたって巡礼の中心地でした。
ヤーラでの 1 日
エラの最も興味深い場所を探索してください。明るい緑の茶畑や険しい岩場を通り抜け、リトル アダムズ ピークの魔法のような景色を眺めましょう。歴史が染み込んだ九連アーチ橋を歩いて、その建設の物語に耳を傾けましょう。ハイキングは、ユニークなループオーバー線路設計のデモダラ駅で終了します。このツアーでは、スリランカの最高の観光スポットを見る機会が得られます。
アハンガマでの 3 日間
この素晴らしいサファリでは、スリランカの南東海岸沖にある島で 2 番目に大きいヤラ国立公園を訪れる機会が提供されます。有名なスリランカヒョウ、固有の野生水牛、スリランカナマケグマ、スリランカゾウの大群を見るチャンスがあります。この公園には、他の多くの種類の哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類、両生類、魚類、無脊椎動物も生息しています。
バージンホワイトティーファクトリーとしても知られるハンドゥヌゴダ紅茶工場。この工場で生産されるお茶の歴史を学びましょう。有名なバージン ホワイト ティーがどのようにして人間の手に触れずに摘み取られ、加工されるのかを知りましょう。おいしい紅茶とおいしいチョコレート ケーキのテイスティング セッションに参加してください。お土産として茶葉を購入するチャンスです。
ミリッサのホエール ウォッチング ツアー。この 5 時間のツアーでは、地球上で最大の哺乳類であるクジラを自然の生息地で観察する機会が得られます。スリランカ南部の海域で泳ぐシロナガスクジラ、マッコウクジラ、ナガスクジラを見るチャンスがあります。資格のある博物学者から種としてのクジラに関する知識を深め、クジラの識別方法を学びましょう。このツアーでは、自然への影響を最小限に抑えた、責任あるホエールウォッチング体験をお届けします。
ポルトガル人とオランダ人が本拠地を置いたゴールの街とその秘密を発見してください。アジアで最も保存状態の良い要塞の 1 つであるゴール要塞を訪れてください。海洋博物館、ゴール国立博物館、灯台をご覧ください。オランダ語の名前が記された石畳の通りを歩きながら、その歴史について学びましょう。
スリランカの南西海岸にあるコスゴダのカメ孵化場を訪れてください。スリランカの海岸に営巣のためにやってくる 5 種類の絶滅危惧種のウミガメについて詳しく学びましょう。コスゴダカメケアプログラムが、孵化するまで巣を保護し、赤ちゃんの生存の可能性を高める方法を学びましょう。赤ちゃんカメを見たり、触ったり、餌をあげたりするチャンスを手に入れましょう。あるいは、亀の孵化場が世話する負傷した大人の亀さえもです。
コロンボ 1 日
スリランカの首都コロンボの色とりどりの光と明るい生活を体験してください。旧灯台、旧国会議事堂、ゴールフェイス ホテル、ゴールフェイス グリーン、ガンガラーマ寺院、国立博物館などの歴史的建造物を訪れてください。独立広場や競馬場などのショッピングモールをお楽しみください。ブティック ショップやデザイナー ショップを訪れてください。
2 Days in Dambulla
A city that is located in the centre of the cultural triangle, Dambulla offers you access to many important places in Sri Lanka. Your two days in Dambulla will be spent visiting the Munneswaram Temple, the Dambulla Cave Temple, the ancient city of Polonnaruwa which is the second capital of Sri Lanka and a local village just for the experience.
Munneswaram Temple
Munneswaram temple is an important regional Hindu temple complex in Sri Lanka. It has been in existence at least since 1000 CE, although myths surrounding the temple associate it with the popular Indian epic Ramayana, and its legendary hero-king Rama. The temple is one of five ancient temples dedicated to Shiva in the region
Dambulla Cave Temple
Enter the historic caves of the Golden Temple of Dambulla, dating back to the 1st century BC. View the ancient murals depicting the life story of Lord Gautama Buddha. Look at the hundreds of figurines of Buddha and other deities scattered throughout the five main caves. Visit the Cave of the Divine King, Cave of the Great King and the Great New Monastery. See the giant golden Buddha Statue just a little distance outside the cave complex.
Visit the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, which was the second major capital of Sri Lanka. Walk through the ruins of the city that flourished between the 10th to the 13th century AD. View important monuments such as Gal Vihara, Vatadage, the lotus bath, Lankathilaka Temple and the statue of King Parakramabahu whose reign was considered the golden age of Polonnaruwa. Get to know more about Sri Lanka’s ancient history.
Local Village Experience in Sigiriya
Get a chance to go on an oxen cart ride, and experience the world from the view of a village farmer. Have a relaxing catamaran safari through a calm lake. Walk through the golden fields ripe with their harvest of paddy. Watch an enjoyable traditional cooking demonstration that teaches you the basics of Sri Lankan cuisine. Delight your taste buds with a home-cooked lunch; made over a wood-fire and served on fragrant lotus leaves placed over woven trays. Enjoy the life of a Sri Lankan villager, just this day.
1 Day in Kandy
On the way to Kandy, you will visit the Sigiriya Rock Fortress, with its ancient palace while it is one of the most famed historical monuments in Sri Lanka. Then stop by at a spice garden and visit some local industries such as wood carving and batik. You can enjoy a cultural show later on highlighting our traditions.
Sigiriya Rock Fortress
Climb the 5th century AD rock fortress, Sigiriya, where the King Kasyapa ruled. Walk through the entrance framed by the paws of a lion that is quite appropriate for its name, ‘ the Lion Rock’. View the beautiful unfading murals that brought Sigiriya its fame. Climb the steep staircase to see the terraced gardens and still-working cisterns. Walk through the tunnels leading to the palace as you get a feel for times long past.
Matale Spice Gardens
Do a guided tour of a spice and herbal garden, where you learn about spices, such as coriander, chili, cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg; and their uses. Take part in a traditional cooking demonstration that shows you how to make Sri Lankan cuisine while making full use of spices. Learn to make roti or create curry powder from scratch in one of the workshops.
Technical Tours
Go on technical tours related to arts such as gem crafting, woodcarving and batiks. And watch the Kandyan Cultural Show with its colorful traditional dances and delightful music.
Cultural Show
popular art forms of the island take to the stage. Get wowed by fire dancers and sword dancers. Watch the colorful Kandyan dancers take to the air to the thrumming primal beat of the drums.
1 Day in Hatton
Setting off towards Hatton, you will first stop at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Peradeniya and then visit the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic which is an important place of veneration in the country. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the temple has ornately painted halls and intricately carved pillars and golden statues that depict Lord Buddha and his teachings.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya
which were formed in the early 19th century. Walk through the vast area containing over 4000 species of plants. Enjoy the learning more about the orchids, spices and medicinal plants. Wander down avenues shaded by large and rare trees, or bordered by flowering plants. Enjoy seeing the cannonball tree, walking over the wobbly suspension bridge and through the short hedge mazes or even climbing the twisty trees that make wonderful jungle gyms.
Temple of the Tooth Relic
The Temple of the Tooth Relic a UNESCO World Heritage Site which was built in the 16th century as the place of veneration and protection for Lord Buddha’s sacred tooth. Walk through the beautifully embellished passageways and elaborately painted halls, done in red, cream and black. Lounge against delicately carved pillars and get amazed by the beautiful golden statues. Get an unforgettable experience of history and art.
1 Day in Ella
Before reaching Ella you will be able to witness the mountain that is considered important by many devotees from different religions – the Adam’s Peak. Many legends are associated with this mountain that is over 7000 ft from sea level while the beauty of it is incomparable during the climbing season when people gather to worship on its pinnacle.
Adams Peak (Sri Pada)
Adams Peak, there is probably no mountain anywhere more famous than Sri Pada – Adam’s Peak (7362ft/2250m) for non-mountain reasons than this. It is sacred to three religions; to Buddhists the human-foot-shaped hollow on the pinnacle boulder marks one of the personal appearances of the Buddha; the Muslims believe that the depression marks Adam’s expiation of his disobedience by standing there for an age on one foot; to the Hindus, by whom the Peak has been venerated for millennia, its name is Sivan Adi Padham, for it is the Creative Dance of the god Siva that the ‘print’ calls to remembrance. Whichever legend you may believe; this beautiful place has been a pilgrimage centre for over a thousand years.
1 Day in Yala
Prior to heading towards Yala, you will explore the quaint yet happening town of Ella which attracts tourists like magnets. Rich in bio diversity and home to many mountains, rocky terrains, tea covered hills, cloud forests, water bodies and many more, exploring Ella is a must. Main attractions include the Little Adam’s Peak and the Nine Arches Bridge
Explore the Marvels of Ella
Explore Ella’s most interesting places. Pass through bright green tea fields, and tough stretches of rock, and get to see the magical views of Little Adam’s Peak. Walk over the history seeped Nine Arches Bridge and listen to the story of its construction. End your hike at the Demodara Railway station with its unique loop-over track design. This tour gives you the chance to see the best sights of Sri Lanka.
3 Days in Ahangama
A safari exploring various wildlife at the Yala National Park will keep you wanting to come back for more. Heading to Ahangama, a beach in the South you will visit the Handunugoda Tea Factory, witness the stilt fishermen in Koggala, experience Whale watching in Mirissa, explore Galle, enjoy a boat ride along Madu river and visit a Turtle hatchery
Yala National Park
This amazing Safari offers the opportunity to visit Yala National Park, the second largest in the island based off the Southeastern coast of Sri Lanka. Get a chance to see the famous Sri Lankan leopards, indigenous wild water buffalo, Sri Lankan Sloth Bear and large herds of Sri Lankan Elephants. The park is also home to many other species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates.
Handunugoda Tea Factory
Handunugoda Tea Factory which is also known as the Virgin White Tea Factory. Learn the history of the tea that this factory produces. Get to know how the famous Virgin White Tea is plucked and processed completely untouched by human hands. Engage in a tasting session with a delicious cup of tea and scrumptious chocolate cake. Get a chance to purchase some tea leaves as a souvenir.
Stilt Fishermen in Koggala
Watch the captivating sight of fishermen perched on stilts in the waters along the coast of Koggala. Learn how stilt fishing is done in detail and marvel at the level of skill that goes into it. Get some amazing photographs of the fishermen silhouetted against the shoreline at sunset.
Whale Watching in Mirissa
The Whale Watching Tour in Mirissa, this five-hour tour gives you an opportunity to see the biggest mammals on earth, the whales, in their natural habitat. Get a chance to see blue whales, sperm whales, and fin whales as they swim in the waters to the south of Sri Lanka. Gain more knowledge about the whales as a species from a qualified naturalist and learn to identify them. This tour gives you a responsible whale watching experience with a minimal imprint on nature.
Discover the city of Galle, where the Portuguese and Dutch made their headquarters, and its secrets. Visit the Galle Fort which is one of the best preserved fortifications in Asia. View the Maritime Museum, Galle National Museum and the lighthouse. Walk through the cobblestoned streets with their Dutch names as you learn more about their histories.
Madu River
Go on a wonderful boat ride down the Madu River with its flourishing ecosystem. Pass through the secretive passages created by the mangroves. See the basking crocodiles and water monitors. Visit one of the small islands with its cinnamon harvesting natives. Enjoy the restorative qualities of the famous fish massage. Observe the water birds in their natural habitats.
Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery
Visit the Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery on the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka. Learn more about the five endangered sea turtle species that come to the shores of Sri Lanka to nest. Learn how the Kosgoda Turtle Care Program helps protect the nests until they hatch and increases the chances of survival for the babies. Get a chance to see, touch and feed baby turtles; or even injured adult turtles that the Turtle Hatchery cares for.
1 Day in Colombo
Your final day will be spent in Colombo which is the commercial capital of Sri Lanka located along the Western Coastal Belt. You will get the opportunity to visit some of the most important landmarks in Colombo which are historically relevant. There are shopping malls that you can visit and enjoy some last minutes shopping before heading for your flight
Experience the colorful lights and bright life of Colombo, the capital City of Sri Lanka. Visit historic monuments such as the Old Lighthouse, the Old Parliament,Galle Face Hotel,Galle Face Green,Gangarama Temple, the National Museum and more. Enjoy the malls of Independence Square or the Race Course. Visit boutique shops and designer stores.
After the breakfast at the hotel check out and proceed to airport after spending a memorable time in this island.
- Transport in a Private Vehicle, Fuel, Parking & Highway tolls.
- Service of English-Speaking Chauffeur Guide.
- All prevailing taxes and service charges.
- 2 x 500ml Water Bottles per Person per Day.
- Hotel Accommodation and Meals.
- Entrance fees to the respective sites.
- Chauffeur Guide's Accommodation.
- Expenses of personal nature.
- Visa and Related Expenses.
- Tips & Portages.
- 1 x 1 Liter water bottle per person per day.
- 1 x Local SIM card per room.